A new Batch!!


7 Years
Oct 30, 2012
Southern Maine
I am going to be purchasing some Barred Rocks, White Polish Crested, and some Buff Brahmas.

None of my chickens have ever grown to LIKE me. They dont peck but you can tell. Please tell me some ways to make friendly chickens! Also some good treats.
I'm not a chicken expert but I did read that if you approach your chickens from above they think that you are a bird of pray so you should approach them close to the ground.
Turns out they didnt have any available, but we got 2 barred rocks 2 speckled sussex and 2 red sex link they are 2 -4 months old.
I sit outside in the grass while my chickens free range, and read a book and take pics of them. I think they are a joy to watch :)
Anyway, back on track, I take treats with me (we food process veggie and fruit ends and egg shells and such, then feed it to them as treats, they love watermelon rind) and when they start to come close, I extend my hand with a treat in it. This has gotten them to follow me around and always keep sight of me. Now my hens and Roos stay close and the Roos sit on my lap for a bit and let me pet them :)
Wow thats impressive. Mine love watermelon too, but I usually just drop it near them and they find it. Thanks for the tip. Also our speckled sussex's have feathers missing on their back, I think they were picked on where they were, but they might have mites. I dusted them in dietamacious earth.
I am going to be purchasing some Barred Rocks, White Polish Crested, and some Buff Brahmas.

None of my chickens have ever grown to LIKE me. They dont peck but you can tell. Please tell me some ways to make friendly chickens! Also some good treats.

Meal worms work really well. I typically pick them up one at a time (having a little treat laid out and within easy reach - several whole meal worms for older chicks. 1-3 worms cut into 2-3 pcs for younger ones) and put the chick on my leg and offer a few bits of meal worms. Some will eat them right up, some take time to accept the worm offered. If they don't take it the first time, put them back in and try again the next time. Then repeat with each chick. I do this 2-3 times a day. I also call "chick chick chick" just before starting the process. When I go out into the coop and call "chick chick", they all come running! And many still enjoy hanging out on my lap, with or without snacks. (Though not all are that "cuddly", they all have their own comfort levels and personalities)
I've noticed that when approaching skittish animals, you can walk toward them sideways, slowly. It looks less intimidating and they have less of their guard up. :)

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