A new Hobby Soap making Love it

Yeah! Glad you got it. I am so stopped up right now I can't even smell the soap I made today
It's an eo blend of lavender and patchouli, usually very strong. That is cool that you can smell it through the bag, haha.
Yes, all my soaps are good for your face. It's all I can use on mine, I break out from most face washes. As for your hair, give it a try, but I don't formulate it for the hair. They work really well for my husbands hair, his is soft, clean and silky. Mine feels rough, oily and yucky when washed with the same bar. I think it really depends on your hair. I will use my soap on my hair when it's really oily, like when I've been camping and haven't showered in a couple of days, ahem. But I follow it with my regular shampoo and conditioner, it seems to help the shampoo work better.

Glad you like the way they smell
I have some people who buy them to put in their car as a freshener, lol.
Ok!!! I'm getting closer!!
Just some more questions, please? Did you start out small? I looked on a few of the sites to order fragrances and oils. I noticed alot of the oils were 7 lbs. How many batches approximately would that do? And I remember reading on the soap making help, to use eo and fo's combined, is that right? I was a little overwhelmed by all the different eo's and fo's. Are the 4 oz. what I should order to start with and how far do they go? I want to start out small, but I'm afraid if I REALLY like it, I will want to do more and I also want to do it the most economical way. So any suggestions on how I should proceed? I bought a digital kitchen scale and the stick mixer at walmart last eve. Also found 3 - 3 compartment plastic trays, the right size for a bar of soap at walgreens for 1$ ea.! I have the lye from Lowes, mixing spoons, and pitchers. Need to round up the rest this next week. But I would like to get my order in so I can get everything here at the same time!
What are your fav places to buy your fragrances? I believe I will order my oils from columbus foods. Anything else you can suggest is most appreciatively welcomed!! Thank you! ( I'm still reading the other thread, on page 121!!)
I started out small and had no intentions of selling. I just wanted to make soap for myself. It grew from there, lol. I have about 1500 bars in stock right now.

The quantity you get of oils depends on how much of that oil you are using in your recipe. If you are only using 5% and making small batches, that oil is going to last you a really long time. If you use that oil at 40%, you will go through it much faster. I started at the grocery store and bought from there for quite a while since it was just a hobby and I didn't need bulk. I liked being able to try a bunch of different oils in small quantities to see what I liked about them. I much prefer almond oil to avocado oil. I don't know what I would have done if I bought 7lbs of it. I would play around at the grocery and health food store before I order in big bottles. You could also see what they cost from places like Brambleberry or Wholesale SUpplies Plus they will have smaller sizes.

You do not have to use fo's and eo's at the same time. You can, I do it, but it is not needed to scent the soap.

4oz will do a 4-5 lb batch of soap, about 18-22 bars. I would start with those sized so you can see what ones you like.

I would do a simple batch, no scent no color for the first one you do just to see if you like it. You can get Olive, Coconut and lard at walmart. I have posted a very simple recipe in the other thread. Try that and if you like, order your stuff :O) Then we can talk scent and swirling and layersing ect!
Yeah! Glad you liked it
I think the bananas really something to the bar. A richness to the lather. Hope you enjoy the others too.
I started out small and had no intentions of selling. I just wanted to make soap for myself. It grew from there, lol. I have about 1500 bars in stock right now.

The quantity you get of oils depends on how much of that oil you are using in your recipe. If you are only using 5% and making small batches, that oil is going to last you a really long time. If you use that oil at 40%, you will go through it much faster. I started at the grocery store and bought from there for quite a while since it was just a hobby and I didn't need bulk. I liked being able to try a bunch of different oils in small quantities to see what I liked about them. I much prefer almond oil to avocado oil. I don't know what I would have done if I bought 7lbs of it. I would play around at the grocery and health food store before I order in big bottles. You could also see what they cost from places like Brambleberry or Wholesale SUpplies Plus they will have smaller sizes
You do not have to use fo's and eo's at the same time. You can, I do it, but it is not needed to scent the soap.

4oz will do a 4-5 lb batch of soap, about 18-22 bars. I would start with those sized so you can see what ones you like.

I would do a simple batch, no scent no color for the first one you do just to see if you like it. You can get Olive, Coconut and lard at walmart. I have posted a very simple recipe in the other thread. Try that and if you like, order your stuff :O) Then we can talk scent and swirling and layersing ect!

Thanks so much Morgaine! You are so nice to help!
I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread. I'll post in the help one next time. I will go to walmart tomorrow after church and get the oils. I think I'm going to try a batch on tues. I did order some things from brambleberry today. I will like making soap i believe! I have always been interested in doing it. But if for some unforseen reason I DON'T like it, I will use up what I bought, if it kills me!!
Thanks again!

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