A New Question (to the best of my researching ability) Mixing Breeds in a Flock?

We've kept a mixed flock for years and done fairly well. In the same flock we have kept Easter Eggers, Blue Andalusians, Speckled Sussex, Polish, Silkies, d'Uccles, bantam Cochins, barred Rocks, Phoenix, cuckoo Marans, Old English Games, and Welsummers. By rehoming the birds that wanted to be aggressive, it's been possible for the rest to all get along fairly well. We did nearly have an Incident one night, though, when one of the month-old Silkies got spooked and started running around on the floor. She looked like a big blond longhaired rat. Our rooster Baron stood up on his perch when he saw her and screamed like a little girl: "EEEEEEK!!" I just about fell over laughing. We've also had some issues with mean hens wanting to sneak up on the Polish from behind and yank their tails: like kids on a playground, they know when they've got an unfair advantage and they'll use it.

Overall, I'd say you're pretty good mixing your breeds, but keep an eye on things for mischief and have two backup plans: one for where to put birds that are being bullied, and one for what to do with a bully. When we have had actual fighting, it's always been either two roosters who decided they couldn't stand each other, or a broody hen mixing it up with some other hen who looked at her kids funny. Bullies are bad too, though: they'll wear the victim down until they get sick, and sometimes a bullied bird will die because it can't get to the food and water. So, the backup plans. Good luck!
I also keep a mixed flock. I am only allowed a very limited number of birds where I live and I wanted to be able to see what I liked. I have had one each of the following in the time I have been chickening: leghorn, wyandotte, RIR, copper maran, bantum cochin frizzle, delaware, polish, and bantum bearded silkie. The silkie is my favorite but does the least well as a loner so I will likely get another soon - she does have different needs and get picked on from time to time. Everyone else has gotten along fine. It is really fun to have all of the different looks and different egg colors and sizes.

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