A New Start for 8 ex-battery hens.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 24, 2013
We collected our 8 new family members yesterday. We were among a group of about a
dozen adults and children,all holding carriers of some description,waiting for their new charges.
We'd requested 6 girls but were immediately asked if we could take more as there were 30+
birds still needing a home as several potential 'owners' hadn't bothered to turn up to collect.
How cruel to renege on such an issue as though it had as much value as,say, eating at a restaurant, or ordering a pizza and, eventually, deciding to do without!
These girls are larger than previous ex-batteries we've had and seem much livelier. We could only take an extra 2 girls as we'd only brought enough carriers for six. They're in a temporary run at present and we're off to buy an extension later today.
We had to place them in their house as they had no idea what to do and were frightened as darkness fell. But once inside they settled very quickly.
This morning,they had no idea what they were supposed to do and we had to lift them out of their house and into the run-flat area,no step or ramp. Poor little(ish) souls,with their pale faces and combs, making their eyes seem dominant,they seem like some strange,alien race! But that'll soon change. Oh,and we had 2 eggs this morning!

Thanks-we do our best!. They're settling in fine and now know when and where to go to bed!
We had 6 eggs yesterday but,on the minus side,there appears to be a bully in the flock and I'm concerned about Ville and Violet. Especially Violet as we'd rehomed ( with sis.in-law)Bertha,who had bullied Violet relentlessly. We'll see.

Meanwhile,the Barbs have taken centre stage,giving us quite a scare.More of that later.
Those hens must think they've died and gone to heaven. Good on you for giving them a chance to be chickens and good luck with the bully!
Thank you,Sumi.
They've settled down very well and we're preparing for the Great Freedom Run,probably this week-end.
We've waited until they were totally happy going in and out of their house,especially at bedtime.
There's a bit of head-pecking going on but nothing serious.We've got an Anti Peck spray just in case,but I don't think it'll be needed.!
What a wonderful family you have-and what lovely pics! Our chooks can only be a part-though a hugely important part- of our family as we have lots of other pets to care for.
i hope you can continue your enjoyment of your wonderful family. You all look so happy!

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