A New, Unexpected Addition to Our Flock.

Michael OShay

5 Years
May 14, 2014
We were really surprised this morning to discover the little fella in the picture below camped out on our doorstep. Where he came from, we have no idea (no one near us has Silkies), but it is our guess that someone didn't want him because he is a rooster, and knowing that we had chickens, dumped him on our property, hoping that we would take him in. If this is the case, whoever i dumped him likely didn't realize that our flock consists of only hens. He is certainly a cute White Silkie rooster, but we will likely re-home him since he is a rooster. Whatever we decide to do with him, we will definitely not dump him as that is a cruel thing to do to a domestic chicken.
I don't know..... He's kinda cute, maybe you should keep him. :D (just kidding, LOL)

Yeah, your guess is probably spot on as to how he arrived on your doorstep.....
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I don't know..... He's kinda cute, maybe you should keep him.
He's so cute, it is tempting. Maybe that's what whoever dumped him was counting on. :eek:)

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