A PSA about Quail Roos and Population Control

Also, hunters. I'm having a hard time finding game birds in small quantities to train my dogs (they will be treated humanely). You can buy them from game bird farms, but you have to order in quantities of 100. I just want a few quail to plant, to teach my English Setter to "whoa," steady to wing and shot, etc.

You might be the very person I need to talk to. I have bobwhites. I bought them straight run and I think I have at least two males. I think I have two females and don’t know about the other two. I want to only have one male so if I have more but only say two, would you be interested? I’m in Oregon but right along the river near St. Helens.
You might be the very person I need to talk to. I have bobwhites. I bought them straight run and I think I have at least two males. I think I have two females and don’t know about the other two. I want to only have one male so if I have more but only say two, would you be interested? I’m in Oregon but right along the river near St. Helens.

I dont raise Bob whites but if I recall they only breed in pairs?

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