a question about "blue lotion"


Flock Mistress
14 Years
Jan 9, 2009
south Florida, Pompano Beach
I went to our feed store today and picked up some Blue Lotion, made by the Farnam Company. My question is this, is this like Blu Kote? I asked the woman at the store about it, and she had no clue.
I've got a couple of hens moulting, and their feathers are TRYING to grow back, but the other stinkers keep plucking them out. Any advice, I'd would certainly appreciate it. Thanks..........
Look on the label. If the active ingredient is gentian violet it is the same as BluKote but in a liquid (I believe) form.
b.hromada :

Thanks so much everyone!! Yes, it does say Methyl violet. I thought it was Gentian Violet when I saw it. Good to know, they are the same thing.
Thanks again for all the help.

I always feel odd giving out advice to someone with 3000 more posts than me, but it's glad to know my degree in biology has learned me somethin'... haha.​

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