A Question for Boyd and the rest of you Foster Parents.

you're going to love it
my hubby and i are talking more and more about fostering, but again it would be after we get the new place. i am so glad this post was brought up as i never knew about fostering to adopt. Thanks so much Boyd, you are a blessing:)


i know boyd didn't start it but he's been a major help:)
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So I've been woking my butt off, I cleaned out our storage closets, and organized them (A whole days work in itself) I moved all the Chemicals and Cleaning supplies to a high shelf in the closet, then I went to walmart and got Baby proofing stuff (Door handle covers, Outlet covers, and Cabinet locks). The nursery is all put together, and I have sorted all the Baby clothes I have into age groups and sex. Put all alcohol in a cabinet above the fridge (I should just throw it away, we have had it since we moved here last year, and barely touched it). Do you all think I should have a dresser/Changing table before the director comes over for the orientation, or just make sure I have one before the home inspection, I'm having a hard time finding what I want in my price range, the room is not very big, so I need to find a combo Dresser/Changing table. I got a Baby monitor at a garage sale today, brand new only 10 bucks
. I still need to get a crib mattress, I'm kicking myself because I had a really nice one that I gave away about 6 months ago
. Also should I get a toilet lock, or will a door handle baby proof thingy work for the bathroom door.

Oh, and this going to be hard to explain, but my bathroom is set up wierd, I have a hallway that goes from my living room to my bedroom, when you walk through the doorway of the hallway you see a sink/Counter on the left, and a washer dryer on the right, then nursey door on the left, and a small room with the toilet on the right, then shower on the right then the bedroom door in front of you, so basically the only thing in an enclosed room is the toilet, so I have no way of blocking off the shower ( It's one of theose small built in standing showers with the frosted tempered glass doors) and I have no way of locking it. The door stayes closed, but it is very easy to open, and I can't think of any lock that will work with it. What should I do about that?
Darn, someone just gave away one of that type of changing table on freecycle a couple days ago! As far as the shower can you put a baby gate in front of it? Maybe just have one for when you will need it? Good luck!

The cleaning chemicals and liquor will need to be behind a lock, so either a locked cabinet or closet. Go to home depot and ask for "tot locks" and they'll have ones that won't wreck your cabinets.

They'll let you know about the bathroom when they come. it's entirely up to your inspector.
oooh, good Idea Nancy! I actually already have a baby gate that we use to lock the dog out of the living room when he's buggin company.

So even if the alcohol is at a height that I have to stand on tip toes to reach it (I'm 5'7") it still has to be locked, and what to you mean by locked, like a real lock, or a baby proofing cabinet lock? and the Cleaning supplies are on a shelf that is eye level for me, and I have a Baby proof door handle cover thingy on the closet door where the cleaning supplies are.
So even if the alcohol is at a height that I have to stand on tip toes to reach it (I'm 5'7") it still has to be locked, and what to you mean by locked, like a real lock, or a baby proofing cabinet lock? and the Cleaning supplies are on a shelf that is eye level for me, and I have a Baby proof door handle cover thingy on the closet door where the cleaning supplies are.

To be a "lock" it must have a key, so unless you need a key to open it, they are not locked up. So no baby proofing latches don't work, you need to have them locked. The tot locks are done with magnet keys, and don't mar the look of your cabinets, while still locking them.

ANy meds also have to be locked up..Even Advil..etc.. i just use a trunk with a nice picture painted on it that matches my living room. And my husband bought a cheap lock kit at home depot..it was super easy to do.
I would go for just a dresser and not worry about whether it can double as a change table - you will have more options that way.

After 4 kids of my own and daycare for 2 still in diapers I've never had a change table. Bathroom floor with a change pad is way more convenient. Babies can't fall off the floor and having running water right there when things get messy is a good thing. As a daycare provider, I am required to change diapers with running water handy. Besides, space is at a premium and there is no room for a change table in my house (and certainly not in my bathroom).

I highly recommend a hand held shower. I have sprayed many a bum that was just too poopy to clean with wipes.

You have certainly been busy. I think you are doing great, but I would hold off on worrying over the shower situation until you have an inspection. It may not be an issue, and if it is, they should give you a clear idea of how they would like it dealt with.

I had to enclose under my back porch with chicken wire in order to pass my daycare inspection. Not something I would have considered as an issue. It is just open space under the porch. I have my yearly inspection next Friday - chickens are a new thing since the last inspection. Hopefully, all goes well.

One thing you will want to consider if you haven't already (I haven't read the entire thread) - especially with hot weather is how much your windows open. You will need to have some way of locking them at 4 inches. There should be no risk of them being opened wider or shutting on little ones.


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