A rooster showed up on our porch last Sunday -- what do we do?

My daughter brought one chick home from school a year and a half ago. Now I have a nice little coop and 5 hens total and they bring me a lot of enjoyment watching their antics and also provide the family lots of breakfasts.

Welcome to BYC and enjoy! We'll be here to answer your questions!
Y not? i think he can LIVE without some but prolly wont be happy, and if hes eatin and drinkin i think hed be fine...
Chickens are flock animals. So he'll always be looking for a flock and could lost or in trouble trying to find a friend. Bringing a friend home will keep him at home.


Um, yes they're a little addictive. But you can go all out or just give them the basic food and shelter. I've found they'll survive either way.

Hope you can show us a pic. We love rooster pictures around here.
I think a dog house as a coop, some litter, and a girlfriend, and you are set. Maybe look on here for someone in your area willing to let you have or buy a full grown hen for him. Then you will have a happy rooster, and occasional egg, and a happy wife! I see nothing bad in that equation!
Welcome to your new addiction! LOL

That is how I "got into" chickens. A rooster showed up at the barn I was leasing last August. When the property owners turned out to be very crack head crazy and I moved my horses. I took the rooster home. He lived in my basement for the winter then, when the crowing started to drive the husband over the top, I found a him a new home where he could be a rooster.

Fast forward less than a year later. I now have a metal shed that is being turned into a coop. Fenced the back yard. And have 6 young pullets in the brooder in the living room.

Working on 7 *shhhhh. Its a secret****
If he is small, and very colorful he may be an old english game bantam (OEGB, in BYC speak). Good luck with your little guy. A large doghouse or a rabbit hutch would probably make a nice home for him, and the girl you get for him, and the others you end up with.
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Shaking head in disgust....this is like letting a Jehovah Witness/ MIL in the house what are you thinking?

I can't watch this, it is just part of the evil silkies world domination plot.

I know the reality is.........resistance is futile, so welcome to the flock!

AND Good Luck dude!
Thank you so very much for caring for the poor abandoned fellow. I can't imagine EVER moving away and not taking every being that counted on me WITH ME.

My life with chickens began in the mid-90s with the appearance in my yard of 2 roos that showed up out of nowhere. I loved animals but knew little about chicken care. But I learned. And BYC has been a godsend.

You will read here on BYC about many chicken deaths due to dogs - every single time it's heartbreaking. So whatever you have to do to keep that dog and roo separate in a failsafe way will save much heartache.

I would suggest getting some game bird maintenance food for the roo. The calcium in layer food is thought by many to be too much for roos even tho important for hens. Food usually comes in 50 pound bags so you'll have a plethora of it for ~$10 and the thing is, you'll only use a fraction of it before needing to ditch it - to extend it's life try to keep in dry place in airtight container.

You are smart to worry about his vulnerability to predators, What you could do is get a small shed that could someday serve other purposes and use it for your feathered friend for now. Check out the coops section of this site. You can read about coop requirements - ventilation and such - there are just some basic things to keep in mind.

Roo will be sad without at least one hen to care for. (incidentally, once you name him and begin using his name he will before long respond to it). Maybe someone on BYC can help re: the hen - they may have a hen that isn't being treated well by the others in the flock and who may breathe a sigh of relief at a new life - and you would also have a better assurance that she is healthy if someone here has had her for awhile.
All the best. there's a ton of info here on BYC to help you every which way.


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