A Rooster that doesn't crow?


10 Years
Feb 5, 2009
I added to my flock back in Feb. we got 3 Aracanas and it is now August and one of them is huge and beautifull and should be around 6 to 7 months old. It looks like a male and even mounts the other hens but it does not crow. Has any one ever heard of this behaiver and if it is a male is it OK to take the eggs and eat them? Will having a rooster improve the production of eggs? I don't want to have baby chicks and I can't have a crowing rooster were I live, if it is a rooster when should it start crowing?
I had an Easter Egger Roo like that... I wish I would have kept him.... but his best friend was another roo that I did have to find a home for so they went together.

Be happy... you can have a roo now hehehee
You can eat the eggs. They don't taste any different than eggs from a flock with out a roo. Also, egg production really would not change if you did not have a roo. Hens have a cycle and that is what sets the bar for egg production. Roos don't change that. Now, your egg production may change if someone goes broody though!

I know my old RIR roos crowed by August and we had gotten them in March. So, they were about 5 months old. But this also is not set in stone. Some roos crow earlier and some later. Some not at all. Some all the time! Maybe if you had a pic we could tell if it really is a roo. Sounds like it to me though. Enjoy him now .... you never really know if and when he may or may not start crowing.
We got 5 chicks in the spring - the SLW ended up being a roo and we rehomed him within 48 hours of his first crowing. We have one 'aracauna'/EE who I'm nearly positive is a roo, but he has yet to crow. He's about 17 weeks. I'm really torn about getting rid of him, but I don't really have much desire to keep a roo with my three hens... I suppose we'll take him back to the feed store if he either crows or starts roughing up the girls. He has been getting a bit frisky with our Cali White girl, but she seems to fend off his 'advances'

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