A situation at church...

Some of the first groups of people to arrive and help out the Katrina victims were from churches as well as food pantries, clothing panties, over seas missionary trips.

I think their world is much bigger than we realize.
mine was... which is one of the reasons I no longer go there. The pastor kept on trying but there were too many 'pillars of the church' there - pillars tend to get in the way and hold everything up ;-)

those are the people who would have voted against letting the homeless people use a building (the church) to sleep in even on the coldest nights, because they'd make a mess and look bad and smell bad...

my view - they're there, they need help... so try to help them. Maybe I'm just too simplistic.
I would also try meeting them on the steps one morning before they wake up and scatter with a mop, brushes, and a pail of soapy water. Let them help clean it up.
ebwy, you're not too simplistic, it's that those pillars you were speaking of are too selfish!
ugh... I'm reminded yet again of ghandi's quote "I like your Christ, but not your Christians. Your Christians are so very unlike your Christ"
I have no idea what the answer to your problem/situation is. I do want to say that I commend you and your church for trying to resolve this the right way. I know god will answer your prayers and give you the answers that you are looking for.
I would also try meeting them on the steps one morning before they wake up and scatter with a mop, brushes, and a pail of soapy water. Let them help clean it up.

I would also try meeting them on the steps one morning before they wake up and scatter with a mop, brushes, and a pail of soapy water. Let them help clean it up.


I like that idea, but feed them breakfast afterwards.
A lot of the homeless these days choose to live outside of society. It's their choice and they wouldn't have it any other way.

There are also those who are too damaged to help themselves and need all the help we can offer them. And of course, there are others who can make it on their own if we can help them back onto their feet and give them some encouragement.

So, I think part of the answer is to sort out the sheep from the goats, so to speak. Make the homeless welcome but also insist on certain standards of hygiene and offer chores in exchange for a simple breakfast. That would give those that genuinely need help an opportunity to get it,and those who like their lives just the way it is will soon move on if they're required to clean up after themselves. If any of them have issues with what they perceive as 'authority', they won't hang round to be put in a situation to mop the porch.

I do empathise with your dilemma.

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