A situation at church...

I agree with you but we need to make certain that our kindness does not do more harm then good. It is not Christlike or kind to enable people to hurt themselves. Some-not all-of the homeless really need tough help to get out of a certain mindset.

No sane person would consider it loving to provide a safe place for a suicidal person to kill themselves. Drug addicts and alcoholics are commiting suicide, only slowly.

A person who is lost in drugs or alcohol must be living in pure torture. Also, some of these people have mental illnesses that need to be treated.

If the OP's church wants to help, and I hope that they do, then the homeless need more then the front of their church. Provide a port a potty and counseling services. Maybe some of the healthier people could help around the church. Giving someone a way to earn a dollar is much more respectful of that person then just handing them money. Heck, you could pay some of the homeless a small salary to clean the front of the church where they are using the bathroom.

Also, I am pretty certain that these people would not be hauled off to jail but would be taken to a shelter. That doesn't mean that the church has to use the government services, of course. If the congregation feel that they would be more of a help to these people, then they should not hesitate to assist them. They just need to come up with ways that actually do help the homeless.
thanks! at the time...it was horrific. i seriously didnt think we would pull through that fiasco. i know one thing, it taught me to appreciate everything i have in life, thats for sure!
I would also think a porta potty would be fairly cheap and may help.
I would also think more lights to a lot of light would help depending on if you want them to be safe or just gone.
Please, let's not judge. It is not our place - IMHO. Those of us on the outside, looking in, are often quick to assess that "those people should..." My dear friend from college has faced all manner of shaming because her mother is living out of a van. There is nothing she can do to make her mom take her meds or stay put. Is my friend a bad daughter? Is my friend's mother *choosing* to live like a bum? I would rather think that she is in a terrible & unfortunate situation. IT IS NOT FOR ME TO JUDGE.

Good luck to your congregation. Hope you all are able to lend a hand. Hope your offer of help is well received.
Anxious to see where this goes ..... I like to see all the opinions.
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As a Christian church we are to emulate Christ in how He acted and what He taught. For those of medical, emotional, psychiatric maladies, He healed them before he said "go and sin no more". There was never a Biblical situation of complete a 12 step, and by all means smell good and then you can sit in a pew. It is not enabling to give food, shelter, rest to the afflicted. Those needs are basic to human life. All of us when in this position must evaluate the concept of tough love versus forgiveness and repentance and do all that we can to lift others up.

It is absolutely necessary to have these discussions; not so much to give advice, but to shine a light on our own closets. Mine I know needed rearranging and cleaning.
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I just had a cousin beaten to death by homeless people, so right now I am not the best one to answer, but I still will throw out an idea
-A portopotty would be a great thing to start with, but maybe find a way to conceal it by like by 7 ft tall wooden walls around 3 sides of it and allowing them to paint it. Uhhh. that maybe more of eyesore then the portopotty itself. IDK, just a thought.
If anyone should help the homeless a church is the place. Church is supposed to be a haven for people in need. I think sometimes thats forgotten...

I dont think they should be allowed to disrespect it though..by using it as a bathroom.

I think the church can fix this and still help these people.

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