a slightly bloody stool. Cause for concern?

Gtown Farmer

In the Brooder
10 Years
May 18, 2009
Hi folks,

I went out to my coop this AM and saw a slightly bloody stool, and a blood spot abot a foot away. They were both tiny. Should I be concerned?

A little background info: My pullets are about 16 weeks old. 4 araucanas, 2 golden comets and 1 rhodey. All seem very healthy. They free range during the day. They were raised on medicated chick starter and changed to a grower/finisher 4 weeks ago. They get lots of treats from the garden --tomatoes, zucchini, etc. I treated for worms with Wazine 2 weeks ago. Not because I suspected anything, but I read somewhere that you should do it a few weeks before they start laying.

They have 6 sq feet of space per bird in the coop, so overcrowding is not an issue. The bedding is pine shavings. I completely clean the coop out once per week and lay down all new bedding. I sprinkle with food grade DE, as well. Their water is changed out daily.

One of them also has very loose stool -brown but watery but she's been like this since before I even wormed. But she's still growing very quickly and active, so I didn't see an issue. Thought maybe it's because it's too hot. It's been in the mid 90's here for the last week or so -lots of water drinking. The humidity has also been unbearable.

Will it be of harm if I treat for cocci and re-worm with a stronger med, like ivermectin?

One more thing: Some of them were eating grass seed yesterday. Just adding as a process of elimination.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Wazine only gets certain worms. A common practice is to re-worm with ivermectin about 2 weeks after the wazine, to get the rest of them.

A round of Corid can do no harm. You could also do this, or just wait and see. I've seen a bit of blood a couple of times and couldn't find a source, so watched and waited, and it did not happen again, and everyone was fine.

But I would do the ivermectin, at any rate, just to finish the job. Here's a good thread on this:

Hey thanks! I appreciate it. I'm not too concerned at this point. None of them are acting lethargic, or any different from any other day. My only concern with worming again now is that I have a couple of them that are going to lay any day for the first time. Just a little selfish of me, I guess. I'll wait til Monday and see what happens, and perhaps just do the Ivermectin as a safeguard.

Thanks, again.

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