A True Texan's Version of the US Map...

i'm a yankee, here in boston... smack dab in the middle of red sox nation.... I should where a bulet proof vest.
No glue here. We just don't have that many gun nuts that shoot every animal they can aim at. Our deer have plenty of land and food supplies so they get BIG.

Oh look a squirrel. Reaches for M16

I think we might want to differentiate between a 'gun nut' and a 'nut with a gun'. We have both varieties here.

I had a friend ask- 'So, you from here(Texas) or didya jus git here as fast as ya could?' I think that about sums
it up!
I think you have that reversed. Texas fought alongside Awful, not the other way around.

Yep, plus not all awful, was on the southern side of the fight.......heck even had one State that was split.

Plus Texas was its own country, before it join the U.S.
Returning to school after summer break my son,s 4th grade teacher asked the class where they went during break. The teacher then asked if anyone had gone out of the country. My son being very proud that he had gone to Sweden over the summer was very upset that a girl had answered that he had gone to Texas. Upon hearing his story I couldn't help but laugh. My son was looking for some empathy from me but I was laughing not so much at the girl rather that so many Texans think and act like Texas is another country!

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