A very Stupid Question!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 25, 2010
Okay, I'm pretty stupid today for some reason..

At what age do silkies start to lay, is it around 7-8months.. I can't remember!.

And. This is probably in the wrong area and I do apologize, if a Silkie or any rooster starts crowing in the middle of the night, what is the reason behind that?? :barnieHe is fed and watered, and healthy at least I think he is.. FAT! bird.. but why do they crow at night! is it a warning or is the bird just confused?

thanks guys in advance.
I have an Araucana banty that crows every morning starting at 3:30. He has since taught several of the teenage roos to do so also.

My boys starts at 1am, then again at 3am, then again at 5am..
I was always thought they don't start to crow until the sun comes out.. but I guess that was a lie..

Is there a way to fix that and train them not too?? or just live with it and ignore it.. I'm turning into a living zombie
.. but I do love the little guy, and he just started this like a week ago.. but he has been crowing since late June..but normally he didn't crow until like 8am. So i'm confused why he is doing it sooo much earlier now.
I read somewhere that if you have more than one roo they will compete with each other, kind of like a crow-off. Maybe if you only have one roo he wouldn't crow till dawn?
Is there someplace you can put him. Maybe a cage at night far far away. I moved my roo into a cage where I couldn't here him. Worked great till his protege's started.

Ugh!! My bannies start about 3:30 AM. Even though we live out in the country we still have neighbors that are close and I'm sure they just love us!! Right now we have well over 10 roosters which start crowing not to long after the bannies. They keep on til I go out and feed. Then these guys think it's the cool thing to do by crowing when the sun goes down. Oie!! We need to sell some roos!!
If you are getting light in your coop from say a motion senor light or headlights from a car that will make them crow. My neighbors banty starts at 4 am and doesnt quit til bedtime on the other hand my barred rocks only crow in the morning when I let them out. At least so far.
Hoping it stays that way
Mine have crow-offs between each other during the day. They usually crow for a few minutes around 4 am. Then they realize the sun's not coming up, so they go back to sleep and crow when it does.

I am an extremely light sleeper, but now I hardly hear them. You get used to it, I guess.
And to the OP, yes I read it's around 7-9 months.

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