A Video Message From Me - Culling Complete - Update on Post #1

Oops Double post!!!

PurpleChicken, Thank You for your frank and heart wrenching honesty! We will pray and keep you in our hearts.
Ok I tried not to say I'm sorry.....but,
I'm SORRY!!!!!! If you were here we would give you a big HUG!!!!
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Hi I have been in depositions all day but wanted to comment on how difficult this has been for all but mostly PC. PC and I started piecing it together after I bought from the same seller as him. Luckily I did practice bio secutity but with in 48 hours of bringing the new chooks home I saw there was a problem. My issue was a strong case of mareks and I culled all new chickens imediatly. I also contacted the seller. Well my biosecuritu was not perfect amd the ma3eks spread to my juviniles and in the end all of them have been culled. After seeing a post from PC I contacted him to see if he had bought from the same person and he had but was not having an issue with mareks but with CRD. A little more digging and we found a few other buyers as well. Anyway just so you know PC and I have been VERY careful and my flocks are perfectly healthy and we will continue to practice very strict bio security In addition I have done necripsies on a few of my birds and thank god no MG or MS. What PC has done is a very selfless act to not only keep my flock and others safe but to educate others as well. I am so glad that he is the stand up guy he is.
You are a brave man with a lot of courage! My heart is breaking for you after watching your videos.(my 9 year old watched and learned too) Do not give up on chickens. You do what you need to do and then become OCD with your"new" chickens!
(BSOC) = Bio-Security Obsessive Compulsive!!
I have certainly learned from your bio-mistake.
You, could be any one of us! The bomb just went off on your watch.
I do have a few questions for you. Why did you choose to cull your favorites first? And were your chickies suffering, so you decided to finally cull? Why didn't you choose to treat them, was it already to late? Are roos not affected by MG?
You know, I wouldn't be as brave as you about culling (even though it's a way of life for some). I would pay a local vet to come out and inject them all and get my husband to do the deed of burying them in the garden. I am far too emotional for the head hatchet. I would send my favorites off to a specialist to try everything they could. Can you tell I usually have a ridiculous vet bill if I can't solve it myself?!!!!
My husband shrugs his shoulders and says whatever makes you happy.....and he, my kids, Mack duck and chickens do!!!
Again PurpleChicken, Thank You for your frank and heart wrenching honesty! We will pray and keep you in our hearts.
Ok I tried not to say I'm sorry.....but,
I'm SORRY!!!!!! If you were here we would give you a big HUG!!!!
So sorry to hear about the fate of your chickens. Thank you for posting what I am sure was a difficult video to make. We should all heed your advice and I know I will remember your video. Who would ever guess that birds have so many problems.
I am speechless, and sorry.
PC, that overflowing PM box includes a message from me. I'm so sad and can only imagine how devastated you are.

For all of you whose flocks are NOT CLOSED (meaning the only new birds are from within your flock... not sure if hatchery birds count), take heed of this story.
The decision to cull is based on me being exposed to other flocks.
A few of my closest relationships are with people who have chickens.
I cannot under any circumstance risk infecting their flocks. Can you imagine
what would happen if I infected AHappyChick's prized silkies, Aracaunas,
Marans, etc because of some chicken dust on my clothing? No way.
My irresponsible conduct already caused enough damage and it must
stop here.

I culled my 4 most important birds last night because I had a molment
of strentgh when I could do it. Waiting any longer, knowing what had
to be done, was MUCH more painful. I had to get it over with. Making
the video made me feel a lot better too because I knew everyone
here would understand. Nonchicken people just don't get it.

As for the roos well they are 15 week old standards that ChickieMama
gave me. They were packing peanuts and I always intended on using
them as meat birds.

A final thought on culling a pet: In the old days you would shoot your
loyal dog or horse to put it down. This was a personal, and painless
way of doing a hard deed. I've put a few dogs down at the vets office
and it's not fun nor is it much easier than taking the animal out back
and shooting it. In the case of my chickens I only used the hatchet
to break their necks, not remove their heads. I was able to hold onto
them until they stopped the normal nervous kicking. They got a kind
and peaceful death in my arms, not flopping around headless, and
I got to hold them and bury them myself, in peace.
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I just lost my flock to a fox (sans 2 on death's door)... and it was on my watch and basically my fault. I do understand how you feel. It hurts.

Question: As I look for new birds - what would I see if they were 'sick' because I'm guessing that many of your birds don't 'look' sick....right? Will this disease show up in a month? more?

Thanks Purple Chicken!!!
I have not had to cull (just at a vet).
So I don't know the dynamics of it all. I feel better now you've explained it.
I thought the other way was the hatchet way. And I couldn't imagine you having to go through the" flopping around the yard" thing too!!!
Yes, nonchicken people just don't get it. Many friends and others say what's so big about having a sick chicken just kill it........I get ticked, but then realize it's just not their lifestyle and they aren't as enlightened about "Chickatopia"(as I call it), they "just don't get it" and there is nothing I can do about it.
Again.....I'm Sorry,Take Care and I will keep following you through your journey and postings.

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