A video of my sweet Silkie rooster brooding his girls like a mamma hen


7 Years
Jan 13, 2013
My old Silkie rooster has always been very affectionate, but I never knew he did this until tonight. I checked on the flock and saw him sleeping like he was broody with a hen under each wing. Aww! I happened to have my camera handy and I thought this was so sweet that I felt compelled to share it.

Has anyone else had a rooster who does this? Is it a common behavior for his breed? I've had other Silkie roosters, but they were all far too macho for this.


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My old Silkie rooster has always been very affectionate, but I never knew he did this until tonight. I checked on the flock at night and saw him sleeping like he was broody with a hen under each wing. I happened to have my camera handy and I thought this was so funny/interesting that I felt compelled to share it.

I'm really curious about this. Has anyone else had a rooster who does this? Is it a common behavior for his breed? I've had other Silkie roosters, but they were all far too macho for this.


That is one of the sweetest things I've ever seen!
My hens have often fought for the positions next to the rooster. They like to cuddle up to him, although not really under his wings like your silkie...I can usually tell who are the top hens in the pecking order by their proximity to the rooster.
Thanks for sharing that! It's totally cute! I have a hen who tries to get under the rooster's wing to sleep. But they're roosting on a perch, and he won't cooperate, anyway.
That is awesome! My hens will climb under each other if the big scary humans stay in the coop too long to check on them.. poor rooster, when they do it to him, he is a Polish, they are all full sized layers... rather comical!
Thanks everyone. I'm really happy to have had my camera handy to be able to share it! This little rooster is so sweet, I was grinning ear-to-ear when I discovered him doing this.

One of his girls is trying to hatch some heirs for him, but he's so old and several batches of eggs have failed to develop already. Fingers crossed for a good egg one of these times!
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I will cross mine for you too! With my rooster being a Polish, I am not sure I wan't him to parent any chicks, lol.. plus I currently have 14 hens... plenty for us, and all fairly young!
That sounds like quite a sight!

ETA: Thanks rojororeo. I know what you mean about not adding to the number of eggs one already gets every day. Lately our kitchen counter top has been overflowing! But setting so many eggs helps to keep them out of the kitchen ;)
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