About Me...


In the Brooder
Dec 7, 2020
I'm a mother of 4 son's and a grandmother to 10 grandchildren. I love all animals, i had chickens 40 years ago for just eggs. Thru the years of raising my son's and many other animals, i finally get to follow one of my dreams. I love the Silkies and Bantam Chickens. And i would love to share my love with other ppl. I've always tried to do my best with my animals. Sometimes u need help from someone else that has been thru the same thing and i love forums to meet ppl and learn things. I have rescue dogs, and i have had many different reptiles over the past 40 years, you name it my son's have brought it home. lol I also feel this is important, i've been with the same vet for over 16 years and they are just awesome. So if I feel my animal needs a vet i have that covered but i would rather learn on my own.
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