About Muscovy's

My girls do it too. My boys raise the feathers on their heads more and wag their tails more. my 3 month old doesn't have feathers on his head long enough to do it yet.

I was hoping that may be a sign. I have no idea how old my older ones are. I got them about 3 weeks ago. Some are getting their pin feathers in now. I'm thinking 9 weeks but I'm not sure. They have lost virtually all of their fuzz just a bit on the necks of some and under the wings.

sounds about right for 9 weeks, do you have any up to date pics? I can tell you this I can talk to my M drake and he will wag his tail and put his feathers up on his head, not my girls. but my 13 week old can't put his feathers up yet, they aren't long enough. but he wags his tail alot. I do think the tail wagging is done more by the boys, it is here any way.
My male duckling had more carnicles at that age so you may have a girl there. Hard to see it's legs are they stumpy? Mine looked like he had tree stumps for legs at 9 weeks.
Kind of stumpy legs but not as mush as one of the others. There are 2 that have "feminine" looking heads but not this one. Its so hard to tell and compare since they are not from the same hatch. The biggest one, a blue, seems to have stopped growing but is still bigger than everyone else. I will just have to wait and see.

I'm trying to get them used to the pool because of the heat but they are not quite sure about the blue plastic thing with squash floating in it.
Why is there squash floating in their pool? just curious
I knew by 8 weeks that our duckling was a drake because I had adult females to judge him by and he is and was so much bigger than them.
Why is there squash floating in their pool? just curious
I knew by 8 weeks that our duckling was a drake because I had adult females to judge him by and he is and was so much bigger than them.

Yes, if I had adults I think it would be much easier.
I'm thinking they're not that big yet. And then to myself, Are they?
And I was throwing bits of zucchini into the kiddie pool to try and entice them to get in. Did not work! The chickens had fun picking out all the bits from the edge though.
ian, you have beautiful Muscovies, how much do your girls weigh, they look alot bigger than the girls over here?and whats the law there? as far as owning them? thanks.

hi lydia, i've never weighed them to tell you the truth! it'll give me something to do on the weekend. there is no laws over here regarding ownership of muscovies except the local shire/council laws about the maximum amount of fowl aloud in your particular area/town. i'm only meant to have 5
theres 10 out there plus ducklings at the moment. there are breeders around on farms with hundreds of them.
JDYWNTR - Looks like you have quite a few drakes, including your favorite =/ See how his head is a little more block shaped? Its a little difficult to tell with the others though. If we could get some full body shots im sure we could clear everything up for you
Have you tried posting on the muscovy keepers thread?

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