Access Door to Run -- Necessary?


In the Brooder
May 26, 2017
My coop co-planner and I disagree on whether we need some sort of access door/hatch to our run. We will have a large walk-in coop (a converted shed), which has a chicken-size door accessing the run. The run will be 4'tall, 8'wide, 12'long, made of hardware cloth affixed to 2x4s on all sides.

My husband thinks in the event we needed to get into the run we can just undo a few feet of the hardware cloth from the wood and peel it open. I think we need a permanent and easier solution of a hatch or side door that a human can fit through if needed to access the interior (hurt chicken, etc...).

Your thoughts?
Aren't you going to have some sort of run floor cover like mulch/straw/leaves/whatever and need to get into the run to replace material or clean? If it is just bare dirt or concrete, don't you still need to get in there to rake/hose it sometimes?

If you peel back some hardware cloth over and over, won't that weaken the cloth and the wood supports a lot?
I have a large run that is not terribly accessible (chain link covered with hardware cloth and wired shut) attached to a smaller very accessible run). The reasons I have needed to unwire Ft. Knox (sure wishing I had a normal door like normal people) include:
Egg bound chicken in run needing medical attention
Adding run litter
Removing run litter
Turning over ground when it's hard packed
Reconfiguring perches
Chickens confused by storm that didn't go in at night
Chickens scared by their new waterer who didn't go in coop at night
Fox in the area
Security check (for wire sticking out in this instance)

Thought it might be helpful to describe the times you might be wanting a door.
This is 2 of my chicken tractors with access doors.


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  • Moveable Coop 013.JPG
    Moveable Coop 013.JPG
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