Mar 31, 2008 #1 trishok8 Songster 11 Years Feb 18, 2008 166 1 129 Scituate Should the hens have access to nesting boxes all day long? Last edited: Mar 31, 2008
Mar 31, 2008 #2 GotCochins? In the Brooder 11 Years Mar 10, 2008 48 4 22 Owens Cross Roads, AL. i would say yes. mine lay at different times of the day.
Mar 31, 2008 #3 Half-a-dozen Songster 12 Years May 26, 2007 592 8 151 NJ I would definately say YES!!! only one of my hens lay in the am..........three in the late am and the rest some other times in late afternoon........ "a bit of lazy layers I got" Guess I can't complain at least they lay!!!
I would definately say YES!!! only one of my hens lay in the am..........three in the late am and the rest some other times in late afternoon........ "a bit of lazy layers I got" Guess I can't complain at least they lay!!!
Mar 31, 2008 Thread starter #4 trishok8 Songster 11 Years Feb 18, 2008 166 1 129 Scituate Great, thank you