Ack! quite a quandry I've got here


8 Years
Mar 22, 2011
Endless Mountains PA
I need some opinions or someone with knowledge of PA game laws please....

Long story short, for 3 years I have listened to the game warden tell me "your bears are acting like normal bears. They're aren't a problem". Maybe they aren't a problem to him BUT they do create a problem for me & my family. This year the HUGE (& I do mean HUGE male) has taken to strolling around my property during the day. apparently he likes the creek that runs through the back of my place.
Needless to say I'm afraid for the safety of my children & yes I will add I worry about my chickens being a light snack for him.

This morning I was sitting on the back deck watching the chickens when I noticed a weasel skulking about 20 yards from the coop!!
I wasn't able to do anything about it today, but made plans of what I'll do to try to get rid of it tomorrow.
Well, my luck kicked in this afternoon because guess what, this afternoon the game warden calls & asks if he can put a barrel trap down back to catch that big male bear because he's bothering some other people now too
I'm thinking Finally!! Yes please!! GREAT!! Get him out of here!
Then I hung up & realized my plans for the weasel might not go over too well with the game warden.

I did some searching online & could only come up with they are under fur bearing regulations..... What does that mean?? & if I can't "get rid" of it, what is your best advice on protecting the chickens from it?

Thought I should also add the game warden will be checking the barrel daily so I doubt I'll be able to sneak anything by him
Weasels are furbearing animals and come under the same hunting regulations as deer, etc. You can't catch, kill, or have in your possession a weasel without a license and without it being in season. That being said, I have no clue if it is doing damage to your stock. I do believe that like foxes, raccoons and such, you can humanly dispose of it. I think, you should check with the game warden...he is going to be quite readily available for your questions in the coming days/weeks.

Good luck with all your wild beasts...
I believe that if it is killing your chickens you are well within your rights to trap and dispatch it. I would ask the game warden, I think you will find that he will be on your side and will let you know how to get rid of the little weasel. (pun intended)
It hasn't touched the coop yet, but now that I think about it, I haven't seen a chipmunk in at least a week or more
Here's hoping you're both right & he'll help with the weasel too!
It isn't just game laws that come into play. You need to know what the defense of self and property laws are.

They frequently authorize the use of deadly force in a number of situations and thus override hunting and other laws.
It would probably be a great idea to simply strike up a conversation with the game warden about your weasel sighting and your concern for your chickens. "Excuse me sir! Can you give me some advice into legal ways to protect my chickens from a weasel I saw prowling around their coop yesterday?" Who knows, he might be able to set up a trap for you and dispose of the animal himself. If the answer isn't to your liking, at least you'll know what the penalties are and whether you have other options and so forth.

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