Adapt my Coop for ducks


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2015

Hey BYC! I have recently gotten 4 khaki cambell ducks to go along with 6 Cornish rocks. My Coop is probably bigger than the image says, around 5 x 7 actually but you get the picture. My nesting boxes are these.
they whole unit is about 2.5 feet tall and the bottom railing is about at knee level. I am wondering where the ducks will lay their eggs, and if there is a way to put a little ramp up from the right side in front of the roost so the ducks can lay in the bottom boxes. I am also looking where the ducks will sleep at night, as they can't get onto the roost. I have thought that maybe they could sleep under the nesting boxes but then figured that they may as well lay eggs down there if I put little raised edges to contain some straw/shavings. Ideas on what I can do to give the new duckies a place to lay eggs as well as sleep? thank you!
Apparently its not possible for me to take a clear picture, but here is the roost and nesting boxes. The roost is about 3.5 feet off the ground, so possibly I could do some type of covered house for the ducks to sleep/lay in. But how do I keep the chickens from going in there/laying in there?

The rocks still young, thats why there is a little ladder up to the roost, still working out how they will get up there easily.
The coop is much larger than I portray it to be, and the pictures show.
I have mallard ducks in with my chickens, and they lay in the nesting boxes. My boxes are 18" off the ground, and they have no problem getting in them, or even on top of them which is about 30" off the floor. If you have different ducks, like Pekins, they lay on the ground. I have 7 of them, and I keep them in a separate area from the chickens, and they lay in the hay.
thanks so much! I think ill let them grow and see where they start to lay

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