Adding a Drake -Pros and Cons


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 13, 2018
So, a friend of mine at work has a family member that needs to rehome a 1 yr. old Cayuga drake. Of course, he’s gorgeous! I currently have 3 hens (1 Rouen hen, 2 Muscovy hens) with no drake. This has been manageable!

So, I’m absolutely sure that Daphne would fall madly in love, but I have reservations.

Would he be too big for my roughly 5 lb. Muscovy hens? Would he ignore them and just want to mate with Daphne (because she’s Mallard-derived) and then end up over-mating her?

The pros, in my mind, would be that 1) Daphne would finally get some lovin’ and wouldn’t have to resort to romancing her sisters. 2) There would be some fertile eggs for my Muscovy hens to brood over. 3) Drake could potentially offer additional protection for the girls. 4) Well, he’s gorgeous.

The cons, in my mind, would be that 1) Extra duck = extra mess! 2) He could potentially over-mate Daphne or be too big for the ‘Scovy hens and harm them. 3) Eggs would now be fertile, and while the ‘Scovies desperately want to raise ducklings, I don’t know if there’s really a market for Cayuga/Rouen or Cayuga/Muscovy ducklings. Yes, I could remove the eggs immediately, as I do now, but there would be a potential for mutant ducklings! 4) Potential for introducing illness by adding new duck to currently closed flock.

I’m leaning towards no, as it is easier, although I’d rather not see him go to freezer camp!

He defiantly wouldn't weight to much to mate with any of your girls my Muscovy females mate with a 12lb Muscovy drake, and according to this Cayuga can get tops at 8lb.
I personally like having a drake. The girls like having one. It makes a big difference when you have enough females for a drake. He will mate with your Muscovy too. My Runner has mated with my Muscovy I take all eggs up unless I want ducklings. Sometimes you can get one that doesn't treat his ladies good and injures them and they run from him but I haven't ever seen it here from my Runner drake and his females and my Muscovy drake and his. Adding one more duck to your 3 really wouldn't be that much more work.
My personal opinion: If you free range (or some kind of free range) you must have at least one drake! I have two, an Indian Runner and a Buff Orpington and they are the watch-towers for the whole flock: Axe murderer leaves the porch, rasp, rasp! - Bird of prey in the sky, RASP, RASP RASP! - Commercial airliner in the sky, (silence). - Deer approaching rasp, rasp, rasp.
Drakes are not only making little ducklings and ripping out feathers, they are the duck's safe-guards! My drake Limpy is always the last bird going into the house for the night and he is making sure that every duck is inside, otherwise he is refusing to go in, a great help for me!
Now my Muscovy drake is so laid back (except when it come to his arch enemy the gander) he goes in to bed and some of his girls can still be out. If my Runner goes in with his girls and some of his are still out he’ll come back out an get them. Snoop the Runner drake is very protective of his girls.
I don't think he would be too big because my 5 pound Muscovy hens do alright with my 14 1\2 pound Muscovy drake. I'm not sure on the other things you mentioned.

Can I blame a long stressful day at work for my complete lack of ability to think of that? :oops::gigI was just thinking of their size in relation to Daphne! Not to mention, the ‘Scovy sisters have talons for days and the ability to fly, at least a bit. I should be more worried about the drake! :lau
My personal opinion: If you free range (or some kind of free range) you must have at least one drake! I have two, an Indian Runner and a Buff Orpington and they are the watch-towers for the whole flock: Axe murderer leaves the porch, rasp, rasp! - Bird of prey in the sky, RASP, RASP RASP! - Commercial airliner in the sky, (silence). - Deer approaching rasp, rasp, rasp.
Drakes are not only making little ducklings and ripping out feathers, they are the duck's safe-guards! My drake Limpy is always the last bird going into the house for the night and he is making sure that every duck is inside, otherwise he is refusing to go in, a great help for me!



Daphne has been acting as the drake in a way (providing ear-splitting warnings about real and imaginary enemies, leading the march to go foraging, providing...other... services that a drake would provide, etc.). Right now, I’m 50.5% pro drake. Daphne would LOVE having another Mallard-derived friend (though she’s fluent in Muscovy language) and would love having a true cuddle-buddy this winter...

Hubby was noncommittal when I casually brought it up, although he approved of the look of the Cayuga as they appear green in the sunlight and green is his favorite color! :gig:hmm:idunno
He defiantly wouldn't weight to much to mate with any of your girls my Muscovy females mate with a 12lb Muscovy drake, and according to this Cayuga can get tops at 8lb.
I personally like having a drake. The girls like having one. It makes a big difference when you have enough females for a drake. He will mate with your Muscovy too. My Runner has mated with my Muscovy I take all eggs up unless I want ducklings. Sometimes you can get one that doesn't treat his ladies good and injures them and they run from him but I haven't ever seen it here from my Runner drake and his females and my Muscovy drake and his. Adding one more duck to your 3 really wouldn't be that much more work.

As far as I’ve heard, he’s a good boy. He just isn’t great with his newer ducklings (he’s not letting them go indoors at night... it sounds like they’re not separated at all), and they don’t want him to breed with his ducklings.

I’ve just been so good at resisting duck math until this point! I lucked out with the ‘Scovies. I’ve passed by countless bins of ducklings at the feed store. I’ve spent a lot of time on hatchery sites without clicking “purchase now”! It seems like a slippery slope. It started with two. Now it’s 3. If I say ok to 4, I’m pretty sure I’ll have 112 within a year! :lau:idunno
I've got 3 runner drakes to 8 girls. Not good but 2 of the drakes are only a couple months old and one just got his little drake feather. They are already active but not with the older girls and not that active ......yet! I really love them. My drakes have always been my favorite ducks much sweeter than the girls. except for 1 and he went to Craig's list land.

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