Adding older hens, yay or nay?


May 24, 2021
Hello everyone,
I'm coming across the opportunity of buying some hens that are still laying, 3 aged about years old. They are being sold for $10 each, I want hens for the eggs but this would be my oldest, I'm interested because some of these are laying some shade of blueish eggs (I'm not particularly in love with the shade of these eggs the hens are laying tho)
However I always appreciate more eggs and I'm slowly becoming a chicken hoarder 🙈
Do you all think this is a good price for a 3yo hen or I'm I better off just getting a young pullet?
Thank you all for helping me decide.
At 3 years of age many hens are peaking for egg production. People who keep chickens merely for egg production will often cull or sell anything by the third season because production can drop off.

Another thing to consider if you have other chickens bringing in new adults can bring in diseases your existing birds aren't immune to.

Nothing wrong with getting older hens. Just be aware what you may be getting into.

As far as prices I've seen anywhere from 2 dollars to 20 dollars. Just depends on the market in your area.
At 3 years of age many hens are peaking for egg production. People who keep chickens merely for egg production will often cull or sell anything by the third season because production can drop off.

Another thing to consider if you have other chickens bringing in new adults can bring in diseases your existing birds aren't immune to.

Nothing wrong with getting older hens. Just be aware what you may be getting into.

As far as prices I've seen anywhere from 2 dollars to 20 dollars. Just depends on the market in your area.
Thank you, this is great insight 👍
I sell POL pullets for $15-20 in my area. I personally would consider a 3yo hen worth no more than half what a POL girl is worth -- maybe not worth more than a chicken dinner cockerel because she is likely to go into molt from the stress of moving and you may not see an egg for months, if ever.
I agree. Just told the lady I'm not getting them. It's better to get pullets for what seems a little more but not really when the laying life is taken into consideration.

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