Adding peppers and hot sauce to water?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 3, 2013
I have heard if a chickens egg laying production has dropped top mix hot sauce and ground pepper in their water I have tried it and it did work but would it hurt them if I continue the logic is they cant feel the heat of it but it opens up their blood flow to the part where making the egg happens and you also don't use a lot so can anyone tell me if this is bad for them?
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I put hot pepper flakes in my hens' food. Within three days, egg production went way up. Within a week, all six of them were laying 4-5 eggs per week each. Pepper doesn't hurt them. In fact, it is commonly given to parrots and also combined in wild bird seed to discourage squirrels
I add cayenne pepper to their food because I've heard about it's parasitic killing effects. I can't vouch for it's effectiveness but it's not harmed them.

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