Adding to a flock of one...advice appreciated


Dec 26, 2018
Western MA
I have one beautiful RIR hen about 6-7 months old. I will be adding to the flock with 1-2 more hens in the spring. I don’t know how she will respond to newcomers as I’ve never seen her interact with any other chickens. She is gentle with us and the kids, dogs but not sure if she will be nice to new hens. Is it best to stay with the same breed? I really like the RIR’s because of their cold hardiness and winter laying, not to mention her chattiness and sweet disposition.
You can pick whichever breeds you like as long as they're all similar in size, though I find that like-colored chickens mingle better unless they already come from a mixed colored flock.
After quarantine, pen your current bird and your new birds with a wall between them so they can see or even stick their necks through but can't actually reach eachother otherwise. Keep them in this see-but-not-touch area for as long as you feel comfortable (a week or so) and then place them all together at night into the same space. They should get along fine after that.
You can pick whichever breeds you like as long as they're all similar in size, though I find that like-colored chickens mingle better unless they already come from a mixed colored flock.
After quarantine, pen your current bird and your new birds with a wall between them so they can see or even stick their necks through but can't actually reach eachother otherwise. Keep them in this see-but-not-touch area for as long as you feel comfortable (a week or so) and then place them all together at night into the same space. They should get along fine after that.
Thank you
If it were me, I would either get only 1 to start with or make sure the 2 others don't know each other.

After hatching 7 chicks with only one pullet, I wanted to get her a friend of her age before I introduced her to the flock. I ended up taking 2 from the breeder. Those 2 are best buddies and my lone pullet is still pretty much alone unfortunately.

Who knows, maybe someone in your area needs to rehome a single hen. :)
I'd go with other RIR's they tend to be a little more "bird of a feather" than alot of breeds. Be prepared, even after you do a few weeks of look but don't touch introduction you'll still have some hen fights. It will be ugly and noisy but totally normal. You only have to worry if blood is being drawn.:)
No, if I get one or two more I will definitely build a coop and run.
I just didn’t have time at the end of the summer to do that, so Charlene lives in the garage for now, sleeping in a dog crate and going outside during the day, weather permitting.
I just don’t want to have two living in the garage, too much poop to pick up, lol.
She does not come in the house, the garage is attached to the house, so she stays in the garage.
Have you considered getting a couple/few chicks?
Well, you can't put them together immediately, but new adult birds would also have to be quarantined and separated for just as long. And you could use the dog crate as a brooder! I personally do not have the means or space far enough away to properly quarantine adult birds and I'm too afraid of introducing an unseen disease to my current flock. Chicks are far less likely to have been exposed to anything and are safe to start integrating right away... PROPERLY.
Integrating at 4 weeks old
You Certainly Can Brood Chicks Outdoors

Start Raising Your Chicks Outdoors

I personally have done this and my girls blended together seamlessly. You can raise little chicks right in the coop with your hen (separated by a piece of hardware cloth) and let them free range together. It's really so rewarding to watch them grow and I bet your hen would be happy to have some little friends to mentor.

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