One of our two hens disappeared this week.... think that our neighbors snatched her up when she got out of the backyard (there's major issues with the neighbors so its not worth trying to go ask them). So that leaves uswitha RIR hen and what is supposed to be a Barred Rock Rooster (although looking at some pictures we think that he may be a black sex link). We found a lady who had bought lots from Ideal and is now selling them. She's got RIR, BR and black and gold sexlinks. We were going to get 2 RIR and 3 BR pullets. Looking on here its saying that the RIR cans be aggressive and we were like "well yeah, Sam does constantly peck at us." So we are now rethinking what we want to get. Still want to get the 3 BRs because Lucy was a sweetheart but can't decide if we want to get black or gold sex links. Looking for any advice/oppinions on what would go well with the two that we have right now.