Adding to the flock


In the Brooder
Jan 21, 2018
We are looking to add a couple geese to our flock. My son had been wanting a goose for a couple years and now that he is 5 he is able to help with chores so I will get him a couple. I am hoping to find a dossal, and maybe a little smaller. Looking for recommendations and advise will be greatly appreciated ! Thank You
With chickens and a kiddo in the mix, it might be good to get one of the calmer, friendlier breeds- perhaps pilgrims? They're a heritage breed, not too big, and pretty friendly. I've also had good luck with Toulouse being friendly.

I have brown chinese and african right now, and they're friendly to me, but EXTREMELY jealous of everyone and everything else- the ducks, the cat, and the chickens are all NOT ALLOWED TO GET NEAR MOM. Nor is the mailman, as we discovered. :rolleyes: So I'd advise against those breeds, at the least. :p
Dewlap toulouse are the calmest breed I've owned or known. Higher quality dewlap africans are also quite calm. I've met some lovely sebbies, but the personalities vary more within the breed than dewlaps. My production toulouse are calm, but tend to be more protective of nests and babies. Same goes for american buff.

The two most aggressive breeds I've dealt with are chinese and embdens. I would not recommend those breeds for children.

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