In the Brooder
- Mar 22, 2015
- 22
- 0
- 24
After lots of reading and thinking I decided I wanted to expand my flock of chickens. Due to the number of birds I already had and the size that I built my coop I was limited to about 10 chickens that I could add to the flock. That was the first hurdle to jump as most of the online hatcheries have a 15-25 minimum order and many are 5 per breed minimum as well. I wanted to try several breeds and add a rooster to the mix so I could either order more than I wanted figuring some would die in the shipping and raising process, order just a couple of breeds that I wanted and add in some meat birds to meet the minimum (but I wasn't ready to raise birds for meat just yet), or find another option. Tractor Supply also has a minimum order but if you buy in stock birds the minimum is 6 total with no per breed limits. I also have two Farmers Co-ops in my area that carry chicks and they have no minimum. After about 3 weeks of stopping by stores and making phone calls to find what store had what breed in stock I finally caught a break and one of my 8 area TSC had just got a shipment in with 2 of the 4 breeds I wanted. (Side note that the Co-op in the same town had one of the other 2 in when I called but had sold out by the time I got there.) I rushed to town and luckily was the first customer there interested in the Welsummers they had just received. One of the associates there was very knowledgeable and once she realized I already had chickens and was very serious about getting more of the right breed to go with them, she was able to sex the straight run of Welsummers and Plymouth Rocks to pick out the only pullet in a batch of about 30 Welsummers and Plymouth Rock pullet for me. I also picked out a Welsummer cockerel, two ISA Brown pullets, and a Buff Orphington pullet. I then made a call to another TSC in the area that had Leghorns in stock and told them that I had just bought my 6 minimum at a TSC a few mile up the road and could come by and pick up 3 more chicks if they would bend the rules but they would not sell less than 6 at a time. So I called Co-op and went rushing across town to get Leghorns from them but they sold out while I was on my way. (If I sound a bit frustrated about missing Leghorns twice it is because I am.) I also picked up some chick starter feed, a small feeder, and some vitamins/ electrolyte supplement for their water while I was there. I already had a heater, water, and wood chips at home for the brooder.
This was on April 22 that I bought the chicks set up the brooder and snapped a couple of pics.

The Plymouth Rock is in the front, Buff Orphington in the middle, 2 ISA Browns on either side of them and one of the Welsummers is in the back. The other Welsummer is under the heater in the back of the brooder.
This was on April 22 that I bought the chicks set up the brooder and snapped a couple of pics.
The Plymouth Rock is in the front, Buff Orphington in the middle, 2 ISA Browns on either side of them and one of the Welsummers is in the back. The other Welsummer is under the heater in the back of the brooder.