Additive for soft eggs?

I just started on the calcium gluclonate yesterday, following @Isaac 0 instructions, I found success just squirting it over their peas, it was easy enough to get my girls I’m worried about alone, but then I had to give more peas to get them all together to go to bed, win for them, but it meant another hike back to the freezer for me.... I found a lonely beer on the way, i felt bad for it, so I brought it along😂
Okay. So local tractor supply did not have the grey or liquid. But I did get more white in a small bag and found a feed that is for “max” egg with extra calcium. I also got the dummy eggs and set them up last night. I’m keeping them locked up extra long this morning in the 10x10 plus hutch area pen to encourage laying in one spot. Let’s see

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