Adopt a Retired Racing Greyhound?*UPDATE* pic on pg. 5 and 6

I got APPROVED!!!!
ju a few things worry me I will be talking it over with them, I hope it works out Id love to know I can save one...
Our neighbors up the street have two of them.

They are the babies of the house. When the husband died tragically last summer, the mom and the kids started really spoiling their greyhounds. I guess it was a way to help them through their grief. Very loving dogs.
A retired racing greyhound is the greatest of dogs --- we had our beloved 'Amy Grey' for nearly 12 years -- a beautiful, loving soul --

I would have another one if I could -- ours was simply the best -- we have cats and small dogs --- never once did Amy Grey pose a threat to them -- she never tried chasing squirrels in the yard or bothering the birds at the feeders -- the only thing she did, and it was entirely an accident, was to break my nose! She was jumping her front feet up and down as I opened the door to the dog-yard -- she went up as I bent down -- ouch!!!!

You do have to be sure that a retired racing greyhound doesn't get out without a lead -- they run (and they run fast!!) in a straight line --- no stopping them --

Please share pictures with us -- :)
Congrats on the approval! A good friend has three and they are the sweetest dogs. Very graceful and loving.

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