Adopt a Retired Racing Greyhound?*UPDATE* pic on pg. 5 and 6

wonderful!!!!! Keep us posted. And they too are like potatochips........
you have no idea how happy this makes me! I ADORE the breed, and I want one SOooo badly! I keep telling Dh that we will have one or two when Emma is a bit older (she is 4 now) I love their long kissy noses lol Please do keep us up to date on your process!
I was going to adopt one but started volunteering at the local SPCA and adopted a greyhound mix from there instead. But will get one someday. They have always been my favorite breed. I seem to be partial to the look of sighthounds in general. They are supermodel anorexic looking. Like greyhounds, borzois, salukis, afhgan hounds, etc

Well I was very surprized I got approved, I didnt think I was going to.... when I finally did I started to worry, what if.... well husband started to get that way too. So we just deceided to go to the meet and greet ( 2 hours away, LOL) Well as soon as I walked in I seen her ( the one I saw on their sight) and I just instantly forgot all my worries. They let us walk her right away and she was ready to go too , let me tell you. I asked questions I had and I actually loved the president. I figured he would have that stuck up attidude, nope. My husband looked at me as we were walking her and said " I want her" and I was so happy. Well the president said well do you like her and I was like yea! So he got all bright eyed and said ok should I get the paper work going? I was like WHAT? No way did I know I was taking her home that day. I figured it was just to see all the greyhounds and they woudl do more background checking. ( they did check all my ref. and vets office to make sure I was UTD on my other dog) I was so surprized. She was so great. I thought for sure it would take weeks for her to love us. Nope when we got home she played with us and ran in our back yard like she was free and had never been before. shes potty trained,shots are UTD, shes ID'd, doesnt mind the chickens or ducks,the stray cat that hangs around, my two girls ( 5 and 2) and my min. schnauzer took a little bit but they played today!!! Its almost as if she was meant for us. If anyone is thinking about it DO IT.... so worth it!!! Oh and I found out ( cause I was curious) she won 7 out of 18 races. How cool is that?! Her racing name was "flying Streep" kinda different but we are keeping it Streep.

Thanks everyone! Im on cloud 9.


Streep and Zoey
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that is so true we already are thinking of maybe another. I will forever be a "greyt" friend and adopt a retired racing greyhound.
Birdgirl, she is beautiful!!!!! My first boy was fawn with white markings.....Just don't let her fool you as far as chickies and ducks go.....My old boy would not hurt them (maybe in his younger days?? preydrive....) but he loves to run when they re hanging in a group and see them scatter.... So I make sure he can't get to them unrestrained/unfenced....
Congrats! She's beautiful.
You're going to love having a greyhound. Everyone I've ever known does, and our lurcher ( the grey hound cross) is a big couch potato too. I love watching them run. They are great dogs.


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