Adult flock mates pecking baby chick...advice?


Jan 18, 2022
So I'm at a loss. I have a hen who hatched a chick about 8ish days ago. I thought that because the other chickens have seen her broody, heard her hatch the chick and now raise it, they would leave it alone. I have 5 other adult hens, and at least 3 of them are fine with the chick or at least walk away when mama hen puffs up. But I have 1 in particular, occasionally 2, that follow it even when she's puffed up and peck it when they get the chance. I usually step in once I see it get pecked because it bothers me, but shouldn't mom be doing a better job of protecting the chick? I feel bad for the little thing! But I can't spend my whole day watching it. I don't know what to do.
You need to separate the mother and her chicks from the rest of the flock. They could easily and quickly kill your chicks. Keep her separate for a few weeks then slowly reintroduce them back to the other birds. If you can keep them separate but next to the flock that would be ideal as they would still see each other.
You need to separate the mother and her chicks from the rest of the flock. They could easily and quickly kill your chicks. Keep her separate for a few weeks then slowly reintroduce them back to the other birds. If you can keep them separate but next to the flock that would be ideal as they would still see each other.
Thank you! They have their own coop and run, but the mom wants out. She doesn't seem to really eat the food or drink the water, almost like she associates it with only the baby's food and if she eats it then he won't get any. 🤷‍♀️

She also wouldn't leave the nest to eat and drink when she was broody, I had to physically get her off the nest once a day for her to eat and drink. But maybe I will try to keep them in there, at least it would be safer for the baby.
I keep my broody and her babies separate from the flock. When the chicks are bigger, you can integrate everyone together.
Thank you! They have their own coop and run, but the mom wants out. She doesn't seem to really eat the food or drink the water, almost like she associates it with only the baby's food and if she eats it then he won't get any. 🤷‍♀️

She also wouldn't leave the nest to eat and drink when she was broody, I had to physically get her off the nest once a day for her to eat and drink. But maybe I will try to keep them in there, at least it would be safer for the baby.
Is she a first time mum? Maybe she just needs to learn and is worried she will eat or drink all the chicks food. Some mummy's can get very overwhelmed by being a parent!
I keep my broody and her babies separate from the flock. When the chicks are bigger, you can integrate everyone together.
How long do you wait? Mom paces back and forth at the door of the run. I'm kind of worried she'll get depressed or something. This isn't nearly as easy as I thought it would be! lol
Is she a first time mum? Maybe she just needs to learn and is worried she will eat or drink all the chicks food. Some mummy's can get very overwhelmed by being a parent!
She is. I've tried to put several food/drink containers out so that she'd feel comfortable eating something, but she still shows him the food and then doesn't eat! I'm just going to have to keep trying and hopefully at some point she'll give in.
She is. I've tried to put several food/drink containers out so that she'd feel comfortable eating something, but she still shows him the food and then doesn't eat! I'm just going to have to keep trying and hopefully at some point she'll give in.
Sounds like she's a great mother, just needs someone to look after her for a little bit! Adorable!
You could always try locking up the bully hens for an our or two while you let the broody and her babies out. My broody hated her confinement 😂
You could always try locking up the bully hens for an our or two while you let the broody and her babies out. My broody hated her confinement 😂
I think I'll do that! I have the coops/runs inside a larger fenced in area. I'll have to make time each day where I let mom and baby out while the others locked outside the larger fenced in area.

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