Adventures in tree cutting - My rant

Well, at least you weren't hurt. Can't blame this one on the splash Orp, LOL.
OMG!!! Thank goodness no one was hurt. Except of course it kinda smashed the ol' money clip!

And yes you will be surprised how much things will just not get you as much when you get older. I sleep through all things crisis now and by the time I wake up I've forgotten them!

You're right, PC, the older you get, the more you let just roll off your back.
I had some hairy experiences with cutting trees started with my DH saying,"now don't cut those trees down while I'm sleeping, you could get hurt." Uh huh.

Seminole just used BACK and HAIRY in the same post! I think its a sign!

I think she just got me good too.
Oh man! I'm glad you're not hurt but it's really too bad about the garden and the Nissan. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. I'll send you a pm about my day yesterday and this morning so we can commiserate without me hijacking your thread.

Glad you are OK! Imagine what the company would say if you did hurt the company truck???

It is expensive to hire a tree cutter...we wanted someone to cut our silver maple tree in our backyard but it would cost us over two thousand dollars because of the difficulty of the small space and electric wires (we live in city) and fencing all around. Its a big liablity for them.
The cost of tree work really depends on where you live. That's what we pay around here as well. For small properties in an urban or suburban area it's a vastly different type of job than it is for a property way out there.

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