Adventures Staying at Home...

How has the self quarantine effected you?

  • Dramatically

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • A little

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Somewhat

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • Not much

    Votes: 19 44.2%
  • Not at all

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • I wish I’d hoarded all the rum

    Votes: 10 23.3%

  • Total voters
A bit of good news for you chocolate fanciers. Easter here at least has gone very low key and this has meant the Easter chocolates are not selling in the supermarkets apparently. Lots of half price stuff here.

My favorite chocolate store is closed & production ground to a halt. There will be no giant, dark chocolate Easter egg here for the first time in decades. I’m pretty sure this is a first for the store too, except maybe during WW2. (I found an old pic.)
Try getting into your good suit. Eventually you may even be allowed to attend a funeral.

We have a friend that passed away last week. I’m not sure if it was virus related or something else, but luckily he will be cremated & services can be delayed as long as necessary. It’s been hard for his BFF to grieve while social distancing. No friends gathering to hug & tell stories & no real closure.

I wonder if people who are anti cremation might start to consider it?
Hello all guess I’m diving into a thread here but wanted to join the conversation.

Guess first and foremost Happy Birthday Chicken Canoe!!

We have a local grocery store here in our small town that is doing everything they can to stay stocked. It is starting to show, that this isn’t a local thing, even what was a good stocked store last week is starting to show signs of the over hoarding of anything. Guy Friday when we went to town, walked in and spent 600+ dollars and bought every ounce of hamburger meat, saving grace was store manager stopped the clerk from completing the sale and told the guy sorry sir only 2 per customer. Guy argue where is the sign. Manager asked the guy to please wait one moment, went back to the service desk, answered the phone call while on the phone printed a sign grabbed the tape and went back and hung the sign in front of the guy, and said sorry it must have fell off. Guy throws a fit how he drove 3 hours to buy this meat lol
We live in a rural area and are also seeing the effects of the citiots coming out and clearing our grocery store shelves. People drove 3 1/2 hours for toilet paper!
My wife told me if anything happens to her she wants to be cremated.
I told DH if I die first, he can take the skid loader and bury me out behind the barn for all I care. I won’t be around to know. After the funeral home charged $125 to drive his mom’s casket the 1/8 mile from the church to the cemetery, I also told him just to throw mine in the back of the pickup or use the skid loader to get me there. That’s more my style than a fancy car anyway.
We live in a rural area and are also seeing the effects of the citiots coming out and clearing our grocery store shelves. People drove 3 1/2 hours for toilet paper!

I told DH if I die first, he can take the skid loader and bury me out behind the barn for all I care. I won’t be around to know. After the funeral home charged $125 to drive his mom’s casket the 1/8 mile from the church to the cemetery, I also told him just to throw mine in the back of the pickup or use the skid loader to get me there. That’s more my style than a fancy car anyway.
Ya the brain power of some of these people now a days is just scary.
My wife told me if anything happens to her she wants to be cremated.

I do too. I always have. I don't really care what they do with the ashes. Maybe they'll sprinkle me out in the yard with the dogs, or put me in a nice urn & take turns shuffling me from house to house. Thanksgivings with DD1. Christmas with DD2. Summers with DD3... :lau

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