Advice in re: These Air Cells? Two Questions


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
Question #1, my eggs in general:

I've had some difficulty maintaining steady humidity with wild swings in the weather and the AC cycling on and off. This is day 16 -- how do they look for size? The smaller line is from 9 days.




Second, This egg has a wonky air cell. How much of a problem is this?





I don't recall the air cell being slipped down the side when I candled them before setting them, but I didn't draw the original cells on the eggs (maybe I should have?).
Question #1, my eggs in general:

I've had some difficulty maintaining steady humidity with wild swings in the weather and the AC cycling on and off. This is day 16 -- how do they look for size? The smaller line is from 9 days.




Second, This egg has a wonky air cell. How much of a problem is this?





I don't recall the air cell being slipped down the side when I candled them before setting them, but I didn't draw the original cells on the eggs (maybe I should have?).
My one incubator baby that hatched the air cell was completely on the side (will try to find my picture of it. When I put it in lock down I just put the air cell up. He pipped right into the air cell and had no issues hatching. Not sure if that is normal or not but he is 7 week sand doing great so wasn't an issue here.

Sorry no clue on size since I haven't really marked mine as I only had the 1 that made it in the incubator the other 2 I have managed to hatch have been under broodys so silly to mark them since I couldn't change anything. LOL
Your aircell size looks fine, a little on the larger side but well within hatchable size.

The aircell on the side could be an issue, but if the chick is still alive set it for hatch cause some do manage to hatch like that.

Lockdown is tomorrow and I'll be candling again either tonight or tomorrow morning.
The air cells looks fine to me. The one with the side air cell may or may not hatch. It’ll depend if the chick can get positioned. Even then they seem prone to being DIS. I wouldn’t count it out. They do hatch. I just avoid hatching eggs with side air cells. Simply because my luck with them has been so varied.
The air cells looks fine to me. The one with the side air cell may or may not hatch. It’ll depend if the chick can get positioned. Even then they seem prone to being DIS. I wouldn’t count it out. They do hatch. I just avoid hatching eggs with side air cells. Simply because my luck with them has been so varied.

It wasn't like that when I candled it before setting it.

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