Advice needed on replaceing my neighbors chickens that my dog killed-

I have chickens and dogs. What I don't understand is why he called the dog police instead of first asking the person if they were willing to do the right thing and pay for the chickens. It kinda seems like a jerk your dealing with- I would be mad but I would talk to my neighbor before calling the police. Am I wrong??
But sheesh, the chickens were on his property in a pen and your dog tore through a pen to kill them. I'm glad you're willing to make it right but you seem more determined to find the cheapest way out instead of just talking to the neighbor and asking what he wants, as far a monetary figure, to settle this. I, for one, don't think $50 is enough of a good faith effort. Be a good neighbor, go apologize and ask what it will take to make things right.
Don't forget that you also need to pay for any damage your dog did to his coop.

Also, I would err on the side of generosity when coming to an offer of $$.

Yeah, a bag of feed, the initial cost of the animal, but you aren't even considering the time and effort - months and months, maybe a year or so - that this guy has put into his birds.

I've been raising chicks since Halloween who just reached laying stage. It takes about 6 months. Feeding and watering and care every day. That has to be worth more than a lousy $50.
He said the neighbor already had this happen before, perhaps the Police said that unless they see the dog on his property then its just the neighbors word against the OP. Now that a report has been filed, there is no denying whose dog did the damage.

I dont think I would accept $50 for 6 chickens and damages to my pen, I think perhaps you should put a 1 in front of the 50 and you MIGHT have a deal, again depending on what my chickens Quality was. If you really want to get into it, not only has the dog killed 6 chickens(of a unknown quality), but they were in a breeding pen, so you also are losing the neighbor the income of egg sales, check out e-bay/eggbid for cost of a dozen Arucana, or EE eggs for that matter. Even if your talking about eating eggs how much does 2 dozen(assuming they lay 4 a week) cost in your area? Now multiply that by the next 20 weeks. If you figure $2.50 a dozen that is your $50. I would rethink my number a little higher before you embarrass yourself.
I am glad that you are trying to make it right. My Dog has killed some of my chickens.

I think that if your neighbor has had issues in the past with the other neighbor, then the neighbor with the chickens should have them fenced up. I know that some dogs will chase anything that will run/fly/crawl/wiggle etc. so.. if he knew you had a dog, he should make sure they are not on your property. i dont' expect a dog to leave my chickens alone if they are on someone else's property.

Talk to your neighbor and see what he thinks they are worth.

Good luck

I dont see anywhere that the dog did damage to the pen... he just chased the chickens into the pen and killed them, right?

Woodstock, I'm a total novice, but I'd say, based on the calculations I've made your original idea of $75 is more accurate. I wouldn't offer much more than that if there was no damage to anything other than the chickens. That would pay for the chicks, feed and bedding for them up until laying time.

I think it is nice that you are being responsible for your dog and trying to be a good neighbor. It does seem like everything I read in this section is about the opposite type of neighbor. Honestly- if one of my neighbors dogs got loose and killed my chickens- I'd be ticked and upset, but I wouldnt actually expect them to pay me anything, based on the negative experiences so many here have had. Especially renters. I'm honestly surprised you've gotten such a hard time here.
Sorry to hear you are having so much trouble and I am very sorry some poor chickies had to die in the process.

There are a few things to look at here from all perspectives:

*First it is right to make sure the damage is corrected, as best you can, and a reasonable sum is paid to cover the cost of the loss, both in actual bird cost and in the cost to get him back he was before the damage occurred.

*Secondly, every effort must be made to make sure this NEVER happens again. Because your dog was chipped by animal control if they are called out again the dog WILL be euthanized, period, and of course you don't want any more chickens to meet their maker either.

It is your responsibility to make sure that your dog is under control at all times and is contained within your yard - so fencing and leashing is vital and training and control is 100% your responsibility, so make sure that is taken care of.

It is your neighbors responsibility to protect his chickens, period. Fencing and predator control is 100% his responsibility and should be done to the best of his ability so a dog or anything should not be able to get to them in the first place.

On a soapbox note real quick: As an owner of Pit Bulls and Am Staffs I am concerned that your attitude is as such that you blow off aggressive behavior so cavalierly. I have trained my bullies to be gentle with everything from cats to kids and everything in between, including chickens - so it is completely possible to train them that way. Dogs are what we make them. Some dogs get very ingrained predator behavior so if that is the case - it is 100% your responsibility to make sure nothing like this happens again or your dog will be killed - by a pet owner or the city.

I say this not to talk down - just to be frank - I really wish you and your beloved pet much success and happiness.

Best of luck with it all.
It is kind of you to take responsibility for your own dog and replace the chickens. Maybe someone on this site will have some you could buy to replace them with or can direct you to the right place.
Because if you don't report it, it didn't happen in the eyes of the law. The chicken owner has had problems with dogs in the past. He has probably learned that from experience. I have had problems with neighbor dogs too. If a dog is on my property and not causing damage, I will return it to the owner with a warning. If a dog is on my property harassing or killing my animals, they will be shot and I will call the Sheriff. If dog owners are going to let their dogs run and put me in the position of having to decide between the lives of my pets or the lives of theirs, I will choose mine.

My chickens have a coop and a run. I sometimes let them free range. They stay on my property. My property is not the dog park. It is a dog owner's responsibility to keep their dog on their property.

I know that the OP's neighbor's chickens have come onto his property, but that's not where the killing happened. He should keep his birds on his property and the OP should keep his dog on his. It may also be insulting and asking for trouble to offer someone just $50 for his lost pets. After all, if the tables were turned and the dog had been killed because of somebody's negligence, it would be inappropriate to say it wasn't worth much because there are "free to good home" dog ads in the newspaper all of the time.

I know it's instinct for a dog to kill, but that doesn't make it excusable. Somebody else lost their pets. The dog is large and powerful. If it can't be restrained, then it's not the right pet to have.
Oh, I know how this feels on both sides, and I am sorry it is very irritating, my rott many years ago chased the neighbor dog out of my yard, into their yard and then killed it
Although the dog was a real problem for us many times and I told them and told them they needed to keep it home still it was their yard
If only it had been a little slower..... (no thats terrible) anyway we paid for the dog and they replaced it with another just like it, only my dog liked the new one... go figure. If you talk to him after a cool down spell you may come to an agreement. At least I would think so.

Also rotts are easily trained if you have the time, just keep her with you a lot and make sure she knows YOU are in controll... mine was playing with the kids when this took place and I believe he saw them as equal or close anyway.
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