Advice on my japanese quail chicks


Aug 22, 2023
2 weeks ago we found 7 japanese quail chicks in our outside avairy had hatched naturally! Mummy was a great mother for 7 days looking after them and keeping them warm but after this we kept hearing them cry one night- she was sick of them! After 1 died from cold we moved them inside under a heat lamp. We tried to put them in to visit in the heat of the day but one got pecked so we moved them inside again. What's the best time and how can I reintroduce them please?
They are cute little birdies 😊.
So in love ❤️

Sorry to hear that the mother abandoned them. They’re adorable ❤️. Since they’re at risk from the cold (you said one died from it), or from attacks (you said they were getting pecked), then continue what you’re doing until they are grown enough to be integrated and can take care of themselves around the adult birds. I currently raise different types of quail than what you have, but I always keep the chicks (and sometimes a mother hen and chicks) separate until they are old enough to hold their own within the covey.

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