Advice on Selling a Rooster?


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
I'm visiting my sister today and found out that my brother-in-law isn't going to want a rooster so I need to find a home for Ludwig, my gentle giant Black Langshan rooster. He's a wonderful flockmaster and had never made a hostile move toward any of us, but I want to focus on my Blue Australorps.

What's your best advice for finding a gentleman rooster who is simply too good to eat a flock home?

My first thought is to sell him rather than just give him away and to ask more than a chicken dinner is worth.

I gave away my chocolate split wyandotte as he was nice they offered money but I cant see paying for a rooster when so many are free...
Is he close to standard? You can maybe find someone who is looking to add some fresh blood into their Langshan breeding stock. If not, another way may be to sell him in a package if you have a few extra hens as well. Like a starter flock. Lastly, if you simply need to get him out of your yard, my back up plan is always my local farm auction. Can't guarantee his future, but at least you get a little something back for raising him. Good luck finding Ludwig a home!
Do you have a local show? I have had 3 extra roos to get rid of and got rid of them in three different ways:
1: Frizzle Cochin Bantam roo - Sold for $5 on Facebook to a kind lady who wanted him because he was pretty.

2: Black Cochin Bantam with red leakage - Sold for $5 at my County fair.

3: Good quality black Cochin Bantam - Given to friend.
I gave away my chocolate split wyandotte as he was nice they offered money but I cant see paying for a rooster when so many are free...

If someone is having a free chicken dinner I'll eat him myself. But he's too good a boy to eat when there are so many aggressive one who deserve a crock-pot.

Is he close to standard?

Good question. I'll have to take good pictures anyway, so I'll have to post them for evaluation in the show section.

The thing is, anyone buying to taking any animal from you can tell you exactly what you want to hear, but as soon as those tires hit public pavement there is no telling what will happen

That's why I'm thinking that I'll sell him rather than give him away and charge more than a token.

Do you have a local show?

No shows in NC due to avian flu.
I’ve been in this position in the past with a few roosters that were just too good to be dinners… I took the method your thinking of of charging more than a dinner price. Usually $15 There are people out there looking to add roosters to their set up. Give good description of his personality and I think you’ll likely find him a flock. Some I’ve had go right away and some took a few weeks.
Personally when I have males too good to eat, I just hold on to them until someone is looking for a male for their group. But that usually results in me basically just keeping these males for a year while waiting. It's possible for me to do, but obviously not everyone can just feed an extra male for so long

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