Advice Please! I have 5 chickens, 3 Roosters & 2 Hens

I will be there this weekend He lives 2 hours away. I will feel it out. My mother in law will be taking care of my 2 pullets while I'm gone. She lives only minutes away from me. I will give you an update on Tuesday :)

We can't free range where we live but we secured this coop and my hubby is building this enclosed run for the girls to enjoy. Hopefully he will finish it up today :)
Looks good! Often it is helpful to arrange a temporary divider so they can meet the new one thru a fence, and you can monitor reactions.
Probably silly ? But do chickens remember each other once separated. My dads chickens and mine were all together for two weeks as baby chickens
Lots of people use dog crates for this very purpose! I have read many posts on integrating new chickens since I am currently doing so myself.
Wow! They might remember each other...that will be interesting to find out! Keep us updated!!!!!
Lots of people use dog crates for this very purpose! I have read many posts on integrating new chickens since I am currently doing so myself.
Wow! They might remember each other...that will be interesting to find out! Keep us updated!!!!!

So guess what I'm at my dads now and pretty sure he's got three roos and one pullet :/ yikes!!!
Oh my! What about the one in the back, it has a smaller comb.....Well, I'll leave it to the experts to determine the sexing. Has he heard any crowing?

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