african goose aggression.

Mike Winters

8 Years
Nov 13, 2011
I have 2 geese one gander and the other I'm not sure about.
The geese are 17 weeks old the one has a larger knob is physically bigger and a gander because i sexed it. Yet he is friendly and will try to preen your clothes and hair when you go out and will let you pet him.

The other goose is a little more slender and a darker color, has a smaller knob yet is hostile. If you put your hand down to pet it it will go mental and wont stop until you shove it on its rear and pin it down a few times. The gander will just stand there and mine its business. I sexed both of them the one that is a gander had an obvious penis with a corkscrew shape and was a male the more aggressive one had like a small worm like penis thing that looked nothing like the other goose is this an ovipositor?. If the smaller one is a female then why is it so hostile if you try to pet it. Id check the Internet to see what a goose's parts are supposed to look like but you know how the Internet is if you look for anything slightly sexual
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