Aggressive 3-4 week old leghorns.


In the Brooder
May 31, 2020
I have 16 chicks between 3&4 weeks old Hatched within 24hr bought together at 3days old.. 5 rhoad island reds, 5 Plymouth bars, and 6 leghorns.. the leghorns are aggressive to all the outhers, Bars the worst.. is there anything I can do to help stop it?
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I have 16 chicks between 3&4 weeks old. 5 rhoad island reds, 5 Plymouth bars, and 6 leghorns.. the leghorns are aggressive to all the outhers, Bars the worst.. is there anything I can do to help stop it?
If this is the first time you introduced them it can take up to two weeks for them to establish the pecking order, I would keep them separate where they can still see eachother so no harm can be done and they can get used to eachother.
If this is the first time you introduced them it can take up to two weeks for them to establish the pecking order, I would keep them separate where they can still see eachother so no harm can be done and they can get used to eachother.
They have been together since hatching, bought all together to try to avoid introducing at outher ages.

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