Aggressive 4-month-old silkie roo

I just thought - maybe I could get him a separate henhouse & keep him in there? He would be able to see the hens when they free range, but wouldn't be allowed to join them. I'd still have the crowing problem, but then at least I could keep him. Or would that just be cruel because he'd be lonely?
I actually think we may succeed as im already seeing a change towards my husband and me, he still thinks he can boss the kids though. but guess only time will tell if it works.
If all else fails he will just have to get locked up before the kids go in with the hens.

Our guy used to be horrible to our silkie and very rough with the other two sometimes when mating when he first reached puberty too but it has settled down a lot now. He is about 5 1/2 months now I guess.
This is my baby at 4 weeks and again at 16 weeks. You see why I love him so much?
He is so both pics.
By the way, both of my roosters are silkies. One of them has tried to dominate my pants leg twice. I go out at dusk and take him off the roost and handle him (which he doesn't like). Now he goes to the opposite side of the run when I go in. I think I'm going to have my 7-yr-old daughter do the same thing...just in case. I really thought I wouldn't have to worry about an aggressive Silkie. I've always heard how docile they are.

Best if luck to you! Keep us posted!

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