Aggressive behavior pecking


9 Years
Mar 8, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
My girls are 10 weeks old now FYI
I have four hens, miss piggy is the lead hen. She is also the biggest. I have another one of the four that has been challenging her named dedra. It has been doable pecking nothing causing any harm just typical chest bumping and occasional peck. This morning they went full on battle royal. They were jumping flying pulling feathers out of their faces drawin small amount of blood around the face. I immidately picked up one and seperated them for a min, put them back and even worse! Omg. I had to literally peal dedra off of miss piggy. Right now I seperated dedra from the rest in a dog crate next to the chicken run and coop with food an water.
I read to seperate them but keep them close around the rest of the flock. For how long do I do this? What else can I do to help with the aggression?
There is a small run under the coop and then I have been opening up the small run to an putter enclosed area for more ranging. I ordered fencing to open up free range area. I'll post pics in a min
3x4 area I believe. But the aggression is when I let open the run for them to free range. They never get aggressive while in the small run only when I open it up and let them out? I am going to use the underneath of my large trampoline as an extended run for them durning the day. That's a large area 12x12 I believe and that should be up and open by next sat
And for the most part they are very sweet. They are a bit skiddish but they range around me when I sit with them and eat treats from my hands. They are golden sex links

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