Aggressive Guineas and other ?'s


14 Years
Jul 10, 2008
First, i have three guineas in with my 10 chickens. One of these guineas has become aggressive...i watched it chase around one hen and beat the snot out of it for 10 minutes until i went and stopped it. Then the chicken went back out in the run and it happened again.

Is this normal behavior for guineas?

Also, if i let all three out to roam free range, away from teh chickens, are they susceptible to hawks and owls like chickens are? I have a VERY healthy hawk and owl population, but i didnt know if they would go after a guinea since they are larger and meaner....
The hawks will go after the guineas. They will probably be harder to catch than chickens. As you are aware guineas seem to be more alert and are obviously quicker and can fly better than a chicken.
Ill keep an eye on them. If they keep getting aggressive, they are going to have to be on their own. Ill just let them out with the hawks, the problem will eventually take care of itself.
Usually the male guineas will become territorial and chase chickens even if they live with them daily. My male will chase the dog and ducks and even the turkeys away from his area...
The hawks have not been able to catch any of mine and they go out into pastures and woods. A fox can get them if in deep weeds and an owl will pick them out of trees at night if they do not roost in the coop... I like my male guinea but he may have to go bye if he doesn't stop the chasing and tail pulling.. good luck.

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