Aggressive male goat???

We had a mean, repeat had, a mean buck. He was born on the farm, never treated like a baby ie we never played with him but got him human friendly. As he got older he was separated to make sure he disnt breed sis or mom (we had total does those two and two other so he would do well breeding wise :/ ) and put him with our unbred alpine (he was a lamancha) after a few month the doe got fed up and climbed out of the pen leaving him aloneand me with a headache. Sadly our weather to be was loan out to a friend for breeding (wasn't weather yet)and got killed so no buddies. At first it was just the male goat normal stuff then he started ramming me...with horns that we couldn't get off. He tried to sell him but adly in the end...well he was good for when somw guest came over, great roasted.

Hopefully you won't have to do that but any buck, polled and special horned that are on the agro side should be taken care of, special of you have children and by a rare chance he gets out...

(I think I got all my typos of not please forgive me grammer and spelling Nazis, I am on a phone here)
Thank you all again! I appreciate all the help! I will keep working with Buddy and trying to make him mind! :)
its because you took him from his does

Maybe. Maybe not. I have had a lot more trouble with agression issues from bucks that were with the does than those that were separated from them. I think the main problem with this fellow is that he wasn't taught manners when he was little and now he thinks he is a lot bigger and more important than he is. Once he learns where he belongs in the pecking order he will be fine.
Yes your boy is just trying to tell you he is the boss, its a male thing, You need to stand your ground, but watch him carefully, and when he tries any thing you need to throw him down on the ground and sit on him till he does not fight any more, and if he does it again, you are one step ahead of him and take him down, he is trying to be the dominent herd sire. He may then give you respect, but try it with others in his pen, watch and never take small children in with him, he is just trying to be herd sire, yes he will pee all over his body, Billy's are stinkey, but the girls like it, I've had this problem before and after a few take downs and a crop in my hand, he backed down, remember never trust him, and do not turn your back on him, good luck....
Thank you! Yes, he thinks he is the boss.
One of my does is in heat and I am wondering if him not being able to get to her makes him
aggravated, and so he wants to take it all out on me! Goats!
Sorry for the late response! ;)
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Buddy is going to be 1 year old, October, 12th. I removed him from my does because they were pregnant and he was butting them in the stomach! Yes, he got mean about a week after I took him away.  I was taking him out of his pen everyday, leading him around the yard, training him to the halter, letting him graze with the other goats on a leash...etc. I was going to take him to a goat show in a few weeks, so I was practicing leading him around the yard, and doing things with him! One day, (about a week before the show) I went in his pen, turned around to lock the gate, and Buddy butted me on the leg! He was rearing up at me too! Since then, he has been very mean and nasty (like peeing in his face)! I decided not to take him to the show, I was afraid he would hurt someone. He finally got so mean, that I can't go in his pen unless he's tied up! I tied him up today, and went in his pen. I pet him and gave him leafs, and sprayed him in the face with water when he tried to bite or butt me! After that, my hand smelled like him! :rolleyes:  I upsets me that he's so mean and I can't do anything with him. :(
is in rut
Bucks pee on their heads. Have other unattractive habits, too. However, aggression is another thing entirely. Never had much of a problem with my dairy bucks no matter how much in rut they were. If given a chance they would blubber at me and rub against me but they would never challenge me. I'm not sure what to tell you about your buck with his oversized ego. If he were mine, I'd take him down flat on the ground and sit on him. Every day. If that didn't get through to him after a reasonable amount of time, there is always the elastrator. And the cookbook. An aggressive buck is just not worth it.
A Billy goat my grandfather once had had a small mean streak, but only with my grandfather. He ended that quickly. I'm not too fond of the way he did it, but this goat was BIG! So something had to be done. Anyway, my grandfather bought a cattle prod, set it on a low setting, and zapped Billy with it the next time he tried to but him. Let me say, he never tried that again.

But I have my own method of dealing with rough Billy Goats. I go in with a handful of corn or treats, and feed him, love on him, and baby him. And when he tries to butt, I grab his beard, give him a good shake, and firmly tell him "NO." For whatever reason, grabbing their beard usually makes them freeze. But whatever you do, Do Not Push Him Back. not even to get him away from you. That just challenges him further, and adds to the problem.

One of my favorite methods of dealing with difficult goats, though, is leash-training them. They quickly learn that getting out for their daily walk is a very good thing, especially if you let them forage along the way. To get him started, get a handful of whole corn, and every time he takes a few steps with you, give him two or three pieces, and soon he'll be walking along nicely.

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