Aggressive pecking

Well they have five toes, beards, and feathered legs. But they werent supposed to be red sex links thy were supposed to be golden sex links, but I got salmon faverolle apparently. But I looked up golden sex Link and salmon faverolle at one day old chicks and they look about the same with feather coloring. I noticed feathers on their legs very early on and didn't think anything of it. Oh well. I love them no matter what and they are so sweet. I built the outside run today 12x12 area. I just need a bigger coop and I'm working on it. I figure if I can at least get the run up I can get the coop a bit later before they are full grown.

Golden a link chick
Those were my chicks at one day old. They never had the faded looking red streaks down the back and I thought that was off but just chalked it up to a lighter golden.

Golden a link chick
Gold sex links are a form of red sex link - Rhode Island Red male x Rhode Island White female. Female chicks have some red and males are light yellow/white. I can tell this particular chick is much too red to be a Faverolles. Of course I have looked at countless Fav chicks over the years.

Yes I am glad I have faverolle's! Much more fun breed and I love them! I most finished their outside run and they love it! I wouldn't keep the run accessible at night because it's not top notch predator proof against raccoon or opossum (that are really the only predators in the neighborhood) but for daytime wondering it's perfect! I will figure out the coop situation soon. There is a person who builds coops off Craig's list and I am meeting with her to see what coop she has and if she can me with mine. I'll pay her of course, I just want to get this right.
Gold sex links are a form of red sex link - Rhode Island Red male x Rhode Island White female. Female chicks have some red and males are light yellow/white. I can tell this particular chick is much too red to be a Faverolles. Of course I have looked at countless Fav chicks over the years.
And you are an expert! :) I am a first time chicken owner so I am not too educated on breed and characteristics but I am slot learning. They had so many people sorting I bet someone just put the whole batch in the wrong pin, someone that couldn't tell the difference. They are a beautiful breed for sure and so friendly! They welcome me to pick them up and pet them they also talk a lot in different little peeps it's cute

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