Aggressive pullets/hens

Oh and they really don't eat enough of they're later feed because it's still in the 90's and 100's here so they refuse to eat it which is why we feed them other stuff to cool them off and in the winter I'm planning to just feed them layer feed, bread, corn, noodles, and meal worms. Possibly pumpkins during Halloween time.
They need to eat a balanced ration first and than extra last. They probably do have a deficiency. Feeding layer with all that extra stuff can leave them lacking. If you were to free range they could possibly balance out their needs on their own with a proper range. Yours are confined and at your mercy. If not corrected they could peck the one to death in order to make up for the low protein intake. A few meal worms isn't enough apparently, and what type of food they eat has nothing to do with cooling them off, and I still would switch feed type. It could take a few weeks to straighten them out but well worth the effort to see if it helps before it's too late.
If I have a bully bird (physically harming) I eat it. There will always be at least one bird that steps up and tries to express their dominance one way or another. I have two hens that think the are roosters. They are not crowing.

Feathers take too long to grow, especially so close to winter. Maybe you have a heater, if not - chicken stock is an option.

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