aggressive rooster

You're playing with fire with that one. He's showing rooster aggression to you. He is doing the mating dance to you. One minute, he wants to attack you, and then you're cuddling him? Sooner or later, this boy is going to take a piece out of someone. It could be you, or an innocent visitor or child. And that piece will not be able to be glued back. Medical bills and law suits are expensive. There's a reason why folks don't cut much slack for a rooster : that's because the aggressive behavior tends to escalate unless re-directed early. If it can't be stopped with training measures, best to see to it that he can't hurt any one, or pass his aggressive genes on to the next generation.
You're playing with fire with that one. He's showing rooster aggression to you. He is doing the mating dance to you. One minute, he wants to attack you, and then you're cuddling him? Sooner or later, this boy is going to take a piece out of someone. It could be you, or an innocent visitor or child. And that piece will not be able to be glued back. Medical bills and law suits are expensive. There's a reason why folks don't cut much slack for a rooster : that's because the aggressive behavior tends to escalate unless re-directed early. If it can't be stopped with training measures, best to see to it that he can't hurt any one, or pass his aggressive genes on to the next generation.

I would tend to agree with this. I would also say: Holding and cuddling a rooster is a degrading experience for the rooster and at that time he is elevated to a face to face level with you. This may give him the mistaken idea that he is equal to you Also, do not forget our eyes are in the front of our heads so the closer you are to the bird the more "predator" threat you pose. After the humiliating cuddling and the message of equality, he may decide that you deserve a degrading experience and that if he is equal, that he can proceed to being dominant.
Roosters are serious animals with a serious responsibility to their hens. Love and nurturing as we understand it, is not part of their make up.
Studies clearly show that hens especially, and roosters also, keep account of transgressions, tricks and lies. Hens ignore or shun offending birds and people, roosters become dominating, aggressive and/or violent. Always remain upright and in charge around roosters. If mutual respect cannot be achieved, the rooster must be culled.
I had a rooster who kept charging me, I knocked him to the ground in mid flight he was coming at me with both claws. I didn't think much about it, read somewhere if you stomp your feet at them when they are charging you they will stop. I tried it and it seem to work, until, my 2 year old grandson I took my eyes off for just a few minutes was screaming bloody murder I ran to him and as soon as I seen the mud on his cheek I knew what had happened. Out of anger, I caught of glimpse of that roo out of the corner of my eye and grabbed him up by the neck I am surprised his head didn't pop off I was so mad. I then realized I didn't want to kill him in front of my grandson or the other chickens. So I handed him to the boys daddy and said take that m----f-----er on the side of the house and ring his neck! And he did. Do something about your roo before you get really hurt. My grandson had mud on his cheek and scratches on his belly thank god it wasn't worse! I didn't cook him right he was tough! Made dog food out of him. But you need to take that mean bird down. I didn't have the heart because mine was so pretty but he was suppose to be a hen I didn't want any roos
Noooo to everyone whos saying kill and eat him
to me every chicken I buy is never ever ever ever going
in my tummy so nor is he yes he may be aggresive
but it doesnt mean I need to kill him and I wear glasses
so he cant hurt my eye and im even trying to eat less
meat because I love chickens and always thinking that
this could be my chickdn that im eating

Sooo I never ever going to put him down hez a
5 years old man im trying to make the most of
Him thank you all so much .
No young children evn go near him
every young child or adults are scared
of my chicknes so im not worried about
I have noticed since I put my roo down that my flock is so much nicer. Easier to handle, they don't run from me they even squat for me. It is so nice when I clean the coop they come up and talk to me and see what I am doing. So there were some advantages to not having a rooster. Obviously you have your flock as pets. I purchased mine as dual purpose birds. And I am going to be doing meat chickens in a couple months. Everyone of them will go in my freezer. I use to hunt and fish too. At one time in my life I was a vegetarian. But I buy meat at the store and why not raise your own at least you know what they are eating!
Diana mallory so their meat chickens

Ol grey mare no I dont like it when people are afraid
of my chickens but its just that when my brothers or the
children are playing football then I want the chickens
to be away because the are already scared and the could get
hurt and also if a kid comes I dont know what their going to do
so I try to keep the chcikens away

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